Kuokoa Home Rula, Volume VII, Number 31, 30 July 1909 — Our English Items. [ARTICLE]

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Our English Items.

Beauties \vith "umbrella" hats strayed, last Saturday night, to the Art Theatre. The u go" between C and Din the Chinese Theatie was a half ripe peaeh. Many heavy weights in gold and silver were present at the Liliha "mint," Saturday night, last week. The second Federal Judge is here, at the post of his Judicial duties. A young native in the Honolulu Fire Departnient cleverly exhibted to some malihini ladies the art ol downward fly, irora a height of about 60 feet. It was really a great stunt. Good for the fire fighters! The Laamaomao gourd-of-wiad whiped and whirled the dust up in tha ajr Tuesday fai-enoon, whieh loaked like columns-of £rriokefrom Mama Pale's fire pit, that many people thought were tratr\p>ing the streets of Honolulu. Unele Sam'& (t sea-dogs" are coming. We wonder if the Japatiese sqn-rays could, otl thē principleof Archimedes' §olar rays ; set those Araer»can bull dogs on fire? Japan is too good an int;ernatianal checker player to do such pupule %ct. , Ku&siahs are red rags to the subjects of Nippon. These red n3gs, from Japanese view point, are coming here to take the places left vacant by the strikers. Don't that pieee of str&tegy gives the "bliies" to our Japanese friends, whose sympathies are now with the planters? What next? Tiie fight between Wahilani and Friedman at the Star Theatre was a record bout for Wahilani, aHawaiian youth. If took the "go" to last only three minutes. when Wahilani struck Friedman, who sprawled down on the floor, to lake the count. That was a soft mellow peaeh! One of the fans who saw the fight, Saturday night, between Cordell and Sullivan gave us the following sum up of the whole affair: "Rourids 1,5,8,9, and 12, were Cordell's Rounds 2,4,6,10 ajid 13, were Sullivan's; Rounds 3,7,11 and 14, the two solar plexins were even. Round 15 ends in a draw."