Kuokoa Home Rula, Volume VII, Number 30, 23 July 1909 — A Hawaiian Cynic Dictiornary. [ARTICLE]
A Hawaiian Cynic Dictiornary.
Deleqate TO CONGRESS For 1910 —A new man, but ati old kamaaina. HIGHER WaqeCo,,-~An orgatiized quantity unknown in Hawaii nei.
Russian L.\eor For Hawaii—An ;idditional improvement to the labor maehine now almost wrecked by the late labor strike. NIPPONESE ProbLEM- An'agitation, tp J ' awake the working propensities of t'ie native race, whieh had been lethargicly dozed among the Hawaiians for several cycles past. GOLD is found in Fiji, a!so petroleum. FORCE of gravitation got hpld of a big rock weighing several hundred pounds, on Nuuanu Pali, and gravitated it down to b!o.ck the Kamehameha. It is said that the reason why some of the Jury men who tried the Waipahu Japanese riot case 3 held the lort to acquit the prisoners was, because the strike breakers are doing more good to white trades in Honaiulu then heretofore. We do not wish to encourage such sort of verdicts. The trial of Makino et al. on a chargeof conspiracy, tiegan beforeJudge De Bolt, Tuesday morning.