Kuokoa Home Rula, Volume VII, Number 30, 23 July 1909 — THE SUGAR INDUSTRY. [ARTICLE]
We all know the sngar industry is the principal mainstay of all other industries in the land. Kill that and you destroy all the others. It is the duty ol every Hawalian laborer in Oahu to give all the assistance within his reach to protect the of this industry. He ean do that by becoming a strike-breaker, and he getting theprfvilege to work for the plantation, to perform his labor energetically, earnestly and faithfully. The planters are now taking upon their shoulders the greatest fight experienced in the history of sugar producing in Hawaii nei. No doubt they are looking to the Hawaiians to join them irj tqis fight, at the same time they, the p,lat\ters, will the sjrike-b|reakers their jjust dues. The L ( abqys afe npw at Kahukn PlantatiQn. 'fl}e 3,e{o|-fjiatQ!:y giving their fuU quota o{ assistto thQ planīation, by working in the eane fields; 3nd perhaps there are ather yoqng Hawaiians on the other ig]ands building good accounts I*r themselves on this line. t!»dt the present out-looks lor the new Hawaiian boys are very encouraging,