Kuokoa Home Rula, Volume VII, Number 30, 23 July 1909 — A RESURRECTED MAN. [ARTICLE]

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Our iriend, Samuel K. Pua, Sheriff of the big island was in "town," few days ago. We had the honor of squeezing hands with him. Sam told us that he brought a prfsoner from Hawaii. Long, long time ago, he was told by Madame Rumor, that the culprit had been "make" long ago; and it is no use to make a searh for the fellow. But, Sam, is a little bit of a kahuna, and also has a little bit of clairvoyant power, did not believe what bis informant told him, so he took the job upon his shoulders, went in search ,of the dead man, had the dead man resurrected' and took a steamship ride, with his live-man, to Honolulu. Bully for Sam!