Kuokoa Home Rula, Volume VII, Number 29, 16 July 1909 — Our English Items. THE GORDELL SULLIVAN GO. [ARTICLE]

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Our English Items.


No doubt, ih.\t tlu"! n.?xt u gv)" wliieh is to eonn on, a week from to-morrow, in the good-enough Oiphenm? between Cceur de Leon (C'or-dell) and SulUvan, wiH be full of surprises, and "it should draw a good house. There is one thing sure, that [overs oE good sport do not wish to have their optical nerves be needlessly forced to look at puliki hee —devil-fisli—c!inche?s. What thefans really want to see, is for thetwo combatants hammering and pounding eaeh cpther, philosophical!y and scienliticaHy. The public want to see elean hits and elean breaks. All exertions to elinches in order to puff the wind out of one'sbellows, by punehing the umbillical and abdominal regions, to our untxained minds, aole maitai —not good. A c\ise of "ch;incerv" in the bout is a good pugilistic stunt.