Kuokoa Home Rula, Volume VII, Number 27, 2 July 1909 — Our English Items. [ARTICLE]

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Our English Items.

"Mo\e on'"—Mayor Fern's mottc. Hurrah! for the Fourth of July!! Kegs of Primo foc Katiiho's tin soldiers "Imua e na pokn a īnu i ka wai awajwa—Forvvaid, brot.hers m arms, till you drink the hitter vaU:rs—Kamehameha. An automobile for the iīrst Mayor, ior he can't ridc a sorrel horse. An aeroplane for the next Mayor, For he \vants to beat the Demccratic Mayor and his auto The clouds look gloomy on the l west, Nippon A lady frorn Japan, would be called —a Japancse woman. That's O. K. A lady from China, is a Chinese wom m. Th it's all right. A lady fiom Porti:gal, is a womar> No pilikia with that. Kauaian for Kaudincsc I dont's like that. Oahuan for Oahunese. That ( s all wrotiq Mauian for Mauin9se. Why that's f t -arful. Hawaiian for Aawaiinese Tut, tut, thdt't, ternble. English lady for Enghshnese LkU. Oh' Th it's fi it*h; lul. American lady ior Americanese lad> What' You stop speaking of those nese You heu*> 3 We do not at all like the looks uf tre:itmnit accoided by our territorial authorities or m other wotds, our aovernment officials to Ma Kino & Co's money vife, p t Lpen> and several valuable documents Taking-pobSi\ssion of persona] porperties belonging to citizens or subjetts o' friendly foreign governments, without due process of law, looks very, very ugly, and it is disgracing to Chrit,tian civihzation. Well, in this mstance,_Hawauan htstory iepeats itself. Two young Hawauan lost their officnl head gears nn Wednesday One a deputy insursnce, and the other a terntorial hcense clerk Their pihkia was dne,isaid īolani eeho, tn the Legislature Not enough hay Old lriend Lorrin Andrews will be hael: tn ioost īn his old nest īn lolani Hale. Aloha nui, Anaru We have at last gota small man about the si%e of Mr Hapai, but stouter īn built, to manage the terntonal fmances. He is dimmutlve in stature, but has a stiengh of character that will niake him great.