Kuokoa Home Rula, Volume VII, Number 23, 4 June 1909 — Our English Items. [ARTICLE]
Our English Items.
Wh\ >.L) nt llio Lir >voraoi h ip,u M< lLi[>ai fo thr pobitioa ot titMsuuMs[vp l'm tlv Tutitoiv o! H.iwaii' 3 Lih)i \\\ ipit U tio\v th'" pu,ttniH!nt piohk'm m H iw 111 n;-i Evoi su~uv iI) 'nun,n I) vim 1 a io.nl snpcrvisor for KioUup >k ) dii.ttiL*l, tli,- Wul:,i;i.' tutne:l to be a hoodoo ot ih» Lī r-• t Ts tli v *u>> P lole, the ptesent road nv.>rst-vr is a .] irl: k m ik'i? \WII, O is nt it V Ahuni) ) h 11 >r ho n K.,i ī n oime to our hearing ksc Wrt'lc, r-vpliKliriti tlu f|. \vs ih.it oui [iiend, J. G M. ( K ihikin.i ,i \\tll bi- , atoned liawaiidn wjitw, wil! <ūit ib«- ILiw.m.ui nlilu.n >>( tln G.mlui Island lli-i.' is oni 1 hanel y,n, tiicnd Shcldon for a oii[i.ind i } ;,.oJ h.in.l sli ikm << !u mini Alo—lui f Ahium iV.v u or .i W ue Waat is thit ? N it'\'is lon Ini iln-. sj) irt Mni and women old and h tv.-iv'iitds ot wu.-i* <\ich, wuh whieh thty dabh and lluow w.m-i at oaeli othft Th--y k< j ep up the sportforahuittA.ini 111 no v/t\>ks, thcn ihe affair eulmitute;l īn a £tand huu o \ ,i diy ajj;rced upon by the members Beloie tho) p ol iho ilulrmoiis food propared for the oa-aision, dl hands must f\rst md\i(oe the" Piwai" or the wettiug pto.*"t>s on one another, thotoughly soaking and drenrhing e toh tnh"t Why il.m 't Mayor Ft;rn inaugurate a Piwai Dty ī.i th ■ City of Honolulu, and ealleel it/ Fem Piwai D,}y' J We \VLindiT īl our " now ,md then inspired" Mayor r will issuj a pro Lun itioii fot Father's Da>, similar to the one whieh he h.U ,dre \d\ pnunulgated sometimes agoMor Mother's Day J II he then pemnt us to let him ordaiti a da> for that pni pose sometimes between the last day of Ju!y and tne 15ih day ul Augusi nti;ct, oidriihlg every sun of "a Eaihei 1 ' topinan"aina-ko" (sugai eane rind) onhiscoat, to ,how that rla\vau is th<_ landnotof "milk and honey" but Ü but'.u and molat.bes "