Kuokoa Home Rula, Volume VII, Number 23, 4 June 1909 — The Claim of Liliuokalani, Former Queen of Hawaii. [ARTICLE]
The Claim of Liliuokalani, Former Queen of Hawaii.
HAICH''S una v.uuiAunrJE Mr VALDu \Vd3 he ot t}ic hloodol iheformer Mr HACTH Yes, a cousin The talher oE the kmg \\as dlive, he madeno contest bpfore the courts; the matter was taken assettledby thisdiLision I have hem ieading £tom, allo\ving Queen Emma a enwei and allowing ehe Kmg; Kamehameha V to go nto pus3esbion of ihe ineome Mr Waluo An<l on ttiedeath ol theold King, [ving Kamehameha V became the hen Mr H<\Ci H No, but in' thc A thc n.nts, on thc ground that he was the suv.ee :boi. _Mr. W ALDO ĒuL on the deatli oiKame lumeha 1 Vs' father, Kamehameha rhen the hein* Mr HaCl H No, he was not the heir The Fnncess Ruth wag the heir, .Subsequently she deeded her interest to Claus Spreckles, and he deefied back tu the government m exchange for a coriveyance to himsell or a C9mpany formedjsy him King'Kamehatneha V got an act through the legislature providing thisestate should be held m trust by three commissioners to be appointed b> the king, and that it should be unalienable; that leases should not be given for longer than thir:y years, and that the nieoine should go to the occupant of the throne. Under that prov'ibion this lady eame into her enjoyment of a hfe interest m these lands Mr. FliLTOnI wish you would follov/ down thg title land īt shows a clear title to Kamehameha Who took the title afrer.him? Mr. Hacih. His coustn succeeded him as a vereign of the land, claimed them as sovereign. Mr. Fulion. Isit a cousin of Kmg Kamehameha IV that succeeded? Mr HACIIt Ihe third and fouith were brothers Kamehameha IV took under thewill of his brother both the throne and the crown lands, so theie is no question therr Mr. FULTON Did King Kamehameha IV le,ive any will? Mr. H*\C'lH. No Ihe court says <t 1. ;ultmtli (1 lh.it fn«m Uio l ine v. lu-n K.li leli.nnL'li-i 111 i c iU' ( l hiH i>i.)i)L'rty īioin th.it „f tl„. in 18IS ui. i.nLil lus ileaUi hedcH.lt ivith lnn n-m-i v(_.l l.unW as hi< i.nu pm.ik' I-iliil.u. l ß aßin K , iiiort,su ßl ng ur ai llntg U.l-uii,. . v « ]„ s la l imuu ., llll' (llMWlUll Lfn>3L' Imilll, L'i('L (.L 8111 ll !l-, ll L\(. „,1,1 iilu.iya l.u-n leuowti tli,' lvii> r 's 1 iiirU,,iri(l lm, h\ an „1 l.uulh sLcu.ini 1 innunl.'il l.y Lh. kum Alt.<i Uie rl.-a.th >>f Ka,ni.'h.uiii'l)ji 111, m >L . ■>, K-ilnmn ,| t < mnl t,. Llil' laiul dcvi,«l to li,-r l.j the km K *H uill 111 l-.eu „f J u * on the PCi')'iud lb it S h,. hftd U'.. i'.el Lh,s, Lm.|s f nilll hun m dlvlsloll " 1 IS ' lB nght t„ .l> 1 w,l hv King K'uiiL'hameha IV, uhu iikl.l, ji, .umuihl.. .irt ni.*oni.Mit Uuielnn- thc wini' h> spttlirg ui.oii iicr 11 li.W .nmmLy f,.r lif,, in c>>nt>iik*r.i(.if)ti of w l u , h sh<> r. hii (I .,ish(',l h,>r el.mn fo. ,l„n,r bv d,'L..l In Uie vp ir l»r,r. tLe 1.U.. 1-1.115 >"(111.01 i Uh n.U ,urV'\um .'niiMii t, (.iLUH'n liiiim I N<> .uit('nin>tml Mi.nl.' -w to tl>.'ii piope-u. i,„v „un |.t1 hl<' 11 111 th. n.iLuii ot 11 iomkH'L' loi Lho qu.,.„ D, mill . his M'Hn, ,l IW ri„d nf 11 - lU,U ' >' L '* ufc - llL ' .1, ,ilt u īlli tli" l.mil ,11 ciu.-ti.vii «s hia prn,it(. pi<>,n rI yn, 1 ilee īiinnnei his P ,<.d ( h.ul il'.in', .inil Ik 1 iiiij.sr v , .|ti('cn Knnni, uis .llu.,vs m. 11.l h..l,it ..f j"inuiK un.lt hmi iti .I.'. ,| 4 u, m.lu i.lu.il- „|iL'.nn,i lt WllM u y Uml, shn shi)iil.l Ju M.. J,i (U.k., ~, f r ,i h, I .[.,U. i 0„ (|,e .",nth ,l iy N..\eiiihii l.ast his iiiuj. nty <U. (I n,t,st.iLf In ,>itt ululu it ut,s , 1,..„h th. inl. 111 ii>n o[ hilliu . 11-UU-.hil 111 to UlL' 1,111(1 H lll.'ll h.' l„ hll,|M,.U „„( 01 thc (loniaiu uhieh luul hoL-n u.,,.,,!,.! l, 3 |,m t. tj iu ,ui£l, Ihe i)riwfps nn<l nlnil,;) liih f.itli..i, (1„- 1e,, 1011l t , [( i|(n ..1 beii,gtieal«..l ~üblu .loi.nnn i>t g.,%. m.i.ki.l i.i„p>,it/ „ Vcnß iilep llib Uik-1i1i,,,, lx. pioMihi lliaL th.it 1 ~111,1 H]„,uld n ,l (■nliwhoim and au.',u-bd<>ih thc fut'u/'_ui'j)f™ ~t )} lO (Jl( , wn Llie oon.|iii'n>r had won, iiulwi- mi ( l,mt,iiiil thc ,„'t ..[ J u , , « li»v„, s „,„,„,1 , 1(111( ai t Ibs '| ( 1,1 f<e th «' "'huil UU'.' heil.K } K ,„„ vt ,, Ul l-> <1.0 tl.r.u., 'U.il (~t,lt H„. ( ,.,M' ,„ uy llgu]fl)L r)IH i 19|)04. (>f ll|r t*,llnp, JLI ,>J'tltun lu lilo Ulll nnel pio.lHHr(' ~h |»iv.IL V, l„ |,|„, K