Kuokoa Home Rula, Volume VII, Number 22, 28 Mei 1909 — Saves Hair, Loses Life. [ARTICLE]
Saves Hair, Loses Life.
Lvxikivm HUK CaNsu»i>» \NI, I)KH,II HUH Denvet, May \l —That Mrs. Manna Patter Walley, twenty-foui years uld, sdcnficed her life rather than snbmit to the loss ot hei lu\uiunt ticsses is the behef of Denver physicians who attendr>d ihe woman until her death Mrs. Walley died yesterday at her home m Berkeley, a Denver subm b, where she had gone m the hope of regaining ht*r he:ilrh It is the opinnm «! ihe physicians that the vitality whieh should h iv»± sustamed Mrs. Wjlley was consumed m hei great wealih ot luir. Whieh had attained the length oi ninety mrhes, and wab ol a deep auburn color When told she mubt lohe hei tiesses or perhapb die, she chose the lattet couise aud would not hear of having hei locks shorn