Kuokoa Home Rula, Volume VII, Number 22, 28 Mei 1909 — A Hawaiian Cynic Dictiornary. [ARTICLE]
A Hawaiian Cynic Dictiornary.
C. P. I —Can't Please Ikulana. Ikuaana was the gre.it, great-great grea" grandmother o£ Queen Lihuokalani Cro\vn Lands —Belong not, ele facto and de jurc, to thc United States, as she is not thc lawhil noithor the loo,iral successor to thc thron3 oE H iwan o| the Kari"hani"hp. ha /o • elaim to thesu l.mds. !;aunaele i ka moae, Ua ohi wale īa ka ī'a hamau leo o kx aini There is Ewa is distui bed by the Moae ( w"md) The tabooed fish ol the land is frecly picked (Behold the sttike ') VIRGIN—An ntidcvcloped bud. Sl'RlKß—an unsucces«.ful attempt to piopel the hoisi--hidc sphere. Biff! Stnke i Biff; Strike TUH ! Biff! Back to the rcbervation for youis! IC\aunner (Tu 11- OiMimn u)