Kuokoa Home Rula, Volume VII, Number 20, 14 Mei 1909 — Hiiaka Chant. [ARTICLE]
Hiiaka Chant.
1 Pah kauhiilui k.i uhu-ka'i o Mukapiui 2 Huki ikaUm kJ Lae-o-ka-Laau 3 Kela pali niakua ole o laila. 4 Amu kauwa ka pali o Ulanamawao-e, 5 Mao wale ana ika lani, 6 Kela pali ku'i, ha-inu īke kai, 7 Ike kai ke akua puloli u Moeau-ā — 8 Ola i kuu la poloh, 9 Inai pu me ka waimaka — 10 E Malei —e 11 E uwe mai--1 Like a mouniain ridg;e is the tiavellinK iilm ot Makapuu, 2 The eape of Kalaeokalaau rises sk/ward, 3 A eape whieh 'tachcd to no promontory: 4 The hill oE Ulamawao is a cursed slave— 5 Vainly tryjng to reach to sk)-ward, 6 That it is only a sea beaten promontory, 7 The hungered goddess of Moeau is been a-fishmg 8 And I will l jreak day of fastmg, 9 I will honor it with my tears, 1U Ohī Malei! 11 Giveth thine greetmg