Kuokoa Home Rula, Volume VII, Number 19, 7 May 1909 — T. McCants Stewart. [ARTICLE]

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T. McCants Stewart.

Is'nt funny ? Nottwo years passea smce we read ine news . that Attorney T. McCant's Stewart was attomēy general in Liberia, Africa and lhat he went to Paris with his royal employer on a certain diplomatic business. The late news we heārd o£ Mc—that he was all these times in Portland, Oregon, U. S. A: Portland, Oregon; April 21. —McCants Stewart; one of the best-k,nown . colored attorneys in the city, living at 513J Union avenue, while attempting to board'a moving southboqnd Vancouver car about 11 o'eloek today £ell under the wheel and had one leg so badly mangled that it will probably have to be amputated. Stewart, accordiilg to the statemenus wj muwnnau Edward and Conductors George Marshall and B. B. McAllister, who cmposed the Vancouver train crew, ran outand tried to get aboard the front platform of one of the trailer carswhile the train was passed Brazeestreet, on Union avenue. His foot siipped and he was precipitated under the car, one of th'e wheels passing over his leg. He was taken immediately to the good Samaritan Hospital. Stewart —commonly known about the city.as "Judge" Stewart—is well known. He has lived in Portland for several years and has an office at 106£ Third street.