Kuokoa Home Rula, Volume VII, Number 18, 30 April 1909 — Is Maui Going to Take The Cake? [ARTICLE]

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Is Maui Going to Take The Cake?

A- M iui boy sends us a curious manuscript whieh eontalns a very tajl cornpJjnjei?t Wr. I?alpo, i|n4 benelit of our readers we insert here, the whole curiq, lrotn tip to tip, top to bottom, begining from the oeciput »ineij)ut down to the phalanges. Editor Kuokoa Home Rula. * Honolulu, Aloha oe:— Our Market street bard alter reading your tanslatlon o! Hnaka chant īn last week's issue of your paper, has been chantmg *the same in real Hawauan style toseveral o! his aikanesj but he claims that inteipreter Kaleo has sent him translation of his own unaided by any humap being save that he fully believes that divine inspiratibn feided him, the said Kaleo, m getting out the stanza as follows:— §weet lehua of the geat Flaiq Ohia trees bloam in the golden light, Bathed by the crimsoned lehua-like rain Birds merrilly chirp far into the night,— ( Hilo's in darkness, aye, in smoky gloom, 'Wheie there's fire aglow, there's hope for folks in bloom.