Kuokoa Home Rula, Volume VII, Number 17, 23 ʻApelila 1909 — Show Your Aloha, City Supervisors! [ARTICLE]
Show Your Aloha, City Supervisors!
T ! ie pn>sont Lruisl.miit- ha\'in;{ sir.tjiiio(l tlic Go\cnior's veto on 1 kul l V>ill Nn 35, wlneh liM'd a niinnmini \vaf,c ol abont 24 j<i<\t\ nne. a d.ty for labuteis ui constuunintJ and repuiiinu; in.uh, ot strot*ls, \v.iti.unr oilicr n'oiks loi llm 'l'niiloi) ol Ha\vau,oi [oi aiiy poliUe il sub'li\iiiuu tlußol, andthoiLfc.it , now istht. ehanee lor llie R & ]).i ny fatli'.'ii. lo b>hovv ilhmi īoal alohas for llie poot laborcts l'lie Muuieip il Lnw liaā given you thcsupieme p.vwi_i "to lix lhr hotus,nf lahor or icqiured of all aiul l.il»oicts m thesei viceol llie City and County, and totī.\then conipens>ation.'" Whatisthe übeofhowlmo; before ihe voteib <lunnj;Lst cainpaign thnt you, Repub!u:ans h?ve an umeke—ealaUuh —always full of poi; and you De-mocrat-3, n youi ovvn pulpit (p]atform) have declared, to "We lavoi a sltict i , nlorcoment of tho citizcnlabor and eight-hours laws, īneluehnp; labor on i errttorial wharves, coupled wilh a nmiimum wage ol one dollar and lifty centb ($1 SU) per day un all puhlie worlcs of the Territoty."