Kuokoa Home Rula, Volume VII, Number 16, 16 April 1909 — A Mello Dramatic Scene in The House. [ARTICLE]
A Mello Dramatic Scene in The House.
Act. "I Affonso enters and reads a papei— "Hear ye' hear ye' all persons that ha\r ears to hear —hi,toi - 'Be it resolved, by the House īn wlueh ihe moulh picces of the people of Hawan are a&embled, that the hierogljphist, oft icially known as, the stenographer be and is hereby granted to be paid 1 dime and 5 cents for every loho fot transcript anddraft of offtcial daiiy nnnutes. 5 cents per page tor"charcoal copies of the same [or the use of the House Joijrnal Committee. Five cents per page for another chdrcoa! topy of the same for the use ot the Head Cleik Then stops a-while foi a breath Having his lungs m full blast, he continues reading all the titnc, now and then, fixing his eye balls on Castro — <£ Be it further resolved, that the watchtng over the account and expenses of this sanctum domum° shall honor all elaim for the above services, beginning with the Alpha and ending with the Omega day of the present Se&sion:" The genial Castro en.ters, smiles to send the grafting proposition to the morgue— ACT 2. The Speaker, who does not speak mui_h heretofore, enters īn and sits on a cliair, and speaks'much this time: "Honorable Brethren—brothers īn aims —don't you known that the rules and ordinances of this domurn placed its officers under the thumb of the one who takes up this chair? And don't you know that it w-js by the or4er of this chair that the present stenographer prepared thedaily stories of this IIouse; and that it was also by thc ordinance of this chair that this bervant not to be paid for all that sort and kind of works? Thts sauctum doitnrm ol the poople is not giving the stenographer one big Amenean gr\i eagle per diem for simply sitting īn his throne of officc, nor lor making hooks crooks of the hieroglyphic sort īn his lwrr d',rrit that are ot no face value to the members of this .mlum domum unlcss thosc hooks and crooks are tranb-cnbed. i have scen _ vouchers far unheard of acronnts presented by paid officials of this holy house and do not want to see any more of such stuffs. You bet yourboots. I do not!" He goes op merrily— f, The chair has had expenence in former Legislature of what is called 'graft.' Just as long as I have the power to sit on this chair, I will not look with pleasure to any such expenditures, a3 are probed into by this resoJution. You andl, and I and you, brethren of the craft; pierely trustees and agents for the people' 3 money. We have no nght db such agents to waste the people's money as proposed by this grafting resolution." ' (Exit) ACT 3. Everybody and everyone m the Houte was heated up to suclt fren?y that noneknows what to say, although it could be clearly seen ihai the> were already ranjjed for prun and o>)is. The Rain Tuahine memhei from Mpnoa, got on the stage and eloquently defended the elaun o(|th£! hieroglyphic man. He anathemati/ed the way the spcakcr used the v/ord <L graft*" [ "īt seems lo tne" he aays, that wok Wait\«sed io Some of y tCmp t0 ex P ose whether lndu)c g Pnestsare Kullt y or not £ ull 'y ofselhng mdulging tli£inselveb in gralting business or noi. I o my mind this solar plexing res o lution is a reasonnble one. Thtte are other things bemy penmutd
ight rorul the position to ■cking the n it back '"Hnwaiun I K dve the cJehnition of the word "ōu. ,b —/m assortmcnt of pumplein hea^āi 3 "