Kuokoa Home Rula, Volume VII, Number 15, 9 ʻApelila 1909 — The Hawaiian Astronomy. [ARTICLE]
The Hawaiian Astronomy.
According to Kamohoula's method of astrology or astronomy, the stars were grouped in three divisions, to wit: (1) Stars of the first class or division, (2) stars of the second class, (3) stars of the third class Thc stars of ihe Class, were si .uon HAWAIIAN NAMES ENGLISH NAMES HOLOHOLOPINAAU, Mars(Andrews and Bishop), Saturn(Alexander) Na HIKU (the Seven stars) Ursa major or the dipper, (Alexander). Na HOKU PA Leo or the Lion A'UHAELE, HOKUULA Supposed by some to be the AND PAIKAUHALE three bright stars in the Constellation of Aquila or Eagle-the centre star being Altair or Hokuula Note —Professor Alexander supposes that the star Altair is Humu. NA KAO (the darts) — Orion (Andrews & Alexander) NA HUIHUI (a bunch)— The Pleiades or the seven stars (Andrews & Alexander) NA HOKU HUMU@@— The Cnnstellationol Aqu according to Prof Alexander. KEOEA or KEOE —Vega (?) According, to Andrews & Alexander. KUKUIOKONAMAUKUKU, KAULUOMOHAI,and KAULUAKOKO. Their names in English are not known KAAWELA Venus(an evending star Andr . i i i. 1' ->i ī ii.i and Bishop) Note—This star (hoku) is somctimes called Kalaniopuu. Manalo, or MANANALO. The name of the planet Venus accordmg to Andrews. KOKOIKI. No name in English. Note —It is said that this star has been seen to rise on the preceding night when Kamehameha 1, was born (on a stormy night ) in the month of November, 1736, at Kokoiki, a place near the heiau or temple of Mookini, in thc district of North Kohala, Hawaii. This star or planet passed directly, m a straight line, over this locahty—Kokoiki; henee its name. This star, probably a planet, moves in a straight line from east to west. It is a bright beautiful body. It is east of the constellation of Na Hiku (the seven stars) or the Dipper, and just north ol Na HokuPa. In the year 1857, on June 28, Holoholop@p@@@ (or Naholoholo) has been seen from [illegible] the island of Hawaii, descending to the west, on the evening of that day, although its course on that occaision deviated to southward, instead of passtng directly ovcr a man's head which was its usual course FIGURE I ' Nalulu. Holoholo. Pa 'l'he abovc Figure shows plainly the position of the NA HIKU group of stars. They formcd a somowhat curved row of seven stars The star (?) HOLOHOLOPINAAU is on the right of Nahiku, and below it the PA group of stars. The Pa stars are thus called because the are so placed to form a cirular fence or wall. (Po iii lonIu» ih m
īt is sard that 8 to 7 Iaid the Primary Eleeuon Law flat on the table to lie there unlil the day of resurrection. What do you want with that kmd of " moo " (snj.kcor serpent) in the politico ol thc Paiadiso of tho Pncific\ Ii is £>aid tliat man, must noi strike a woman; but ltt him strike her hard i[ she needs one. That's \vhat you eall—" Wela ka h.io lt is said that Harris is> back agani lu his old job foi a while; and ihen he'lI"sl{iL" outagam andgive ftiendHenry anothei French Icavc. It is said that the whitcs heie do not eall thc lcanakas negio, and yet the kanakas aie someumes alluded to as " siamese. " It is said that Mr, John F Colbum luis lound aceitam document among the latePrince Dayid's papers, whichshowed Dr English's elaim of $11,000 against former Queen Liliuokalani, notlnny, buL a mwlual'Like.