Kuokoa Home Rula, Volume VII, Number 14, 2 April 1909 — Cure For Leprosy is at Hawaii's Door. [ARTICLE]

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Cure For Leprosy is at Hawaii's Door.

When Father Damien was about to ]eave this" earth earlhly," he leebly turned to Father Wendolcn and said: "You see my hands. All the \vounds are healing and the crust is becommg blatk. Youknow ihat is a sign o{ death. Look at my eycb 100 I have seen so many lepers d\e that. I eannol be nustaken Death is not far o£f." "I should have liked lo see ihe Bishop again, but le bon Dieu is calling me Lo keep Easter with Himself. God be blessed! Then Father Wcndolen said: "When you are up above, father, you will not [oigct those you leave orphans behind?" Oh no!' 1 answcred ihe dying man, "II I have any credit with God I will inteiccde br all īn the Le'pi'oaei'ie' " Manila, Maieh 2'J —Docloi. Clegg of the Bureau ol Science, announces thaL he bucceedeci m cultivating the the lepros.y bacillus anel has prcparcd a leprosy vaccme. He proposes to cany oti a serios of ex'poi imonts to test his discoveries,"

Noiwitlistandmg, that the House hud gtMlt j fously tabued a single niekel to go to Honolulu papers,wc kept up sending gratuitously our well circulated paper to the House Solons, foi sevcial \vceks aftor thc House ban has been approvdd. īn |ustice to the houorable gcintlenvn of the upper orifice of the Legislature, andalsotha't we may be butter able supply o'ir new subsciibers 5 we are forced to stop our usual weckly eall on oui friends in the House. Au revoir!

Ihe Home Rule Paity is for Homo Ruleism. Home meu Lo rule their homes 3 home voters aie for honie iepresentations. Unele Sam's coffcrs ai'e enriched from Hawau's two piineipal home resources fot revenues —custom duties and post office reahzations Hawaii Home bram should have first preferetice for FeJeral billets. It may be said that our kind Unele is rcmunerating i's inietuin nioie Lhan whal he gets frum us. Wedonotdeny it. But Unele must protect her interests here, else some othei active boys will have the upper lunds

There is a tabu 111 the ]louse »vithui its sacied confines; forbidding hand_to hand_lomilomi r or placing- one's mouth 2">iere to a legislator's aunele, ne\ r ettheless, palm squee7ing process and finger tinkhng sensation, or the whispentig invitation ean be bctter served by eye winkmg, headnoding, shoulder up >md down jciks, toeniotion, face amiling, mouth wnthmg and such lilee antics, henee the tabu is nugatoiy. A wireless communication ean do it ali.