Kuokoa Home Rula, Volume VII, Number 14, 2 April 1909 — Our English Items. A Hawaiian Cynic Dictiornary. [ARTICLE]

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Our English Items.

A Hawaiian Cynic Dictiornary.

KaNIIIO —The Koli.ila Cannon or the suyar c<me stump of Kohdla, th.it takes, years oat, and yeirs in, for all thosugar nulls in Haw.ui, to grind it AI<FONSO — l'he •>«/«/■ pleiiu genius of the Housefromthe rainy city. Found at last LepROSY C'riiE —A huin-bug, othcrwise, a sure thing KANAKA —Au [n<lian( ?)woid —Canadd—themea::ingof whieh is, "a ulUge, an as.->embly of people." EdUCATION In H \W\ir— Nor half as gond, as it was thnty or forty y-'ars ago, whon the keikis were reading: "Ah! the boy is 011 a goat!" "See the rat? M ImNiIGRATION A Moreno propot>ition, labeled. "European Emiuiants " How '10 edvca'L h: ' enolish - Teach the kids to dtaw pictures of iats, cats, mongoose, corkroiehes, spiders, et cetera MILITH- M H W/aiIAN ) —Nothmg Sut 'a tin soldier " A new militai\ term by Kaniho. (1909) Homestead- -A home foi plo\ ers. VOTER —On, who votes againt his own interests, providmg he is not a milhonare Bali,oT —Is wheie the mark of the Apocalyptic beast is made FIRST, SēCONI\ ANI) n-IIRD KEADING—Head, belly and feet, spint, uater and blood ( lo 11 (.iMiMii ~i