Kuokoa Home Rula, Volume VII, Number 13, 26 March 1909 — A Poet in The House. [ARTICLE]
A Poet in The House.
JDon't jump up whep we say that lhtre is a genuine poet'in the House of Representatives; and that son of Quesn Musa, is the Honoiahle Sheldon from Kauai, the Garden Island.Shcldon, like Mozart, composcd a heauiilul sotig cntitled: MaikaikamakanioKohala." Tliefustscctionor rather veise of it is, to wit: Maikai ka makani o Kolula Tkf ia e ka Inuwai; O ka Wfii no m. pono k^uui, Wai kaulana o ka auia, (A Literal Engusīj Tkanslation ) Ohl how swpet the balmy bice/c of Kohala, softly wafting over Ka Inuwai, That's the water that will ease ydu anel me, W-irWmg w.iler ol the land.
LEGISLA.TOR—One who legīslates Sugaj- and syrup. LEGISLATirRE—An assembly where» hol stuffs are put up. MAYOR—A new maehine. RēPUBLICAN—A hard nut to crack DEMOCRAT—Just budding Home Ruler—ln the sweet mahope, but sure. GOVERNOR—"A quasi CorpordLion bole. SHERIFF—One who does the shelving. Municipal Government—An airship experimenting on aerial politico problems. SPEAKER—One who speaks but hlLle SUPERVISORS (Honolulußoard) — politico hopho mores.