Kuokoa Home Rula, Volume VII, Number 13, 26 Malaki 1909 — The Kukini Race. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The Kukini Race.

The first genume hulnu race evcr kept here, īn Honohilu, since the death of Makoa, one o£ King Kamehameha's swift runners, was promulgated at Aala Park, last Sunday ; under the patronage of the first genume Mayor in Hawaii. Many hne specimens of human anatomy were among the competitois. Not all of the contestants, we bchcve, have good pairs of lungs, and mueh less have they sound diaphragms. The race course struggled over by the kukmis is about 28 or 29 miles from Honolulu lo 11 aleiwa Hotel Waialua; and it is a /ig-zag and sea-sjw road, going upanel down over hills and dalcg. Fi-om Honolulu to Kahhi, down EUhamki, whirled down Moanalua, pushed up Kapukaki, \vhooped down Halawagulch,passedAiea, through Kalauao, curved Waimalu, edged along Waiau, up Waimano, down Kipapa gulch, swayed along Waikakalaua, along Leilehua plaina,downKaukonahuariver,andsoon,toHaleiwa. O u toi 45 or 46 compelitors, only one was a first wmncr, liis name is who, we helieve, is a son ot Admiral Jackson oi Kaimiloa iame 'i'he second man was Garman. a St. Lduis alumnus.