Kuokoa Home Rula, Volume VII, Number 13, 26 Malaki 1909 — Our English Items. The Legislative Powor of The Cily. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Our English Items.

The Legislative Powor of The Cily.

The prcsent rnntorialLi'};islatutc has uot yol discovered iha l its 1 Q( )7 —h.)s Kl'. 'P ..i.i •. :>.|| I.h >•-)'!'. O',- nll )!. līo-n.-)i il-i, ii " !<».; >t| .v,e D,: t ,-i \\» • \ \ v - ; ;o . s0 ( lar*or «»i ».j „1. >1 <; all i .\l* . I'.i-i- ' thc Cit, :i'K. ,ity, .i to i.:■ -i: , .•, ■• ■; " ]_. < j-jo-h i.r ■~( '■ 11 - I* „.I -' - i . V, j . , the ! '"i '! ' 1 ' ■ 1 ' *■ 1 ' 1 ■ v'...u, (\\ authorities nnserably kiled' to cany o 'he n f law under whieh it \vas crcated ane < ■ -». - \\\ i| ; tbe Home Rn]'-TS aie not to be blanied lor ihi l ? pilikia.