Kuokoa Home Rula, Volume VII, Number 13, 26 March 1909 — Dr. Bishop Gone to His Rest. [ARTICLE]
Dr. Bishop Gone to His Rest.
At about ten minutes i£ter 8 o'eloek Tucsday evening, the venerable theoloG;ian and scientist, Rev Sereno Edwards Bishop D.D. aL the age of eighty thtee jearb, ended fus "good fight" and "finished /us course," and made his depature for the spirit world He is a native son of Hawau nei. His father was the Rev Artemas Bishop, who translated the four books of the lasL four minor prophets, from the Hebrew language into Hawanan. S. E. Bishop was known among thc natives as "Bihopa anaaina Bishop, the surveyor —and "Bishop kahunpule" —Bishop, the Mmister At Lahamaluiu Seminary, he wrote threc catechisms 111 Hawanan for the useof thē school. One \vas on, "Moolelo Beritania"—History of England; one on "Aohoku" Astionomj, and one on, "Akeakamai o na mea 1 ikeia"—Natural Philosophy. His treatise on natural philosophy !s partly filled with well and nicelydrawn illustrations. Some times m the yearlB9B, he made a prescnt of this valuable manuscnpts lo the (now) editor ol this paper, and whn was in the year 1898, the editor of" Ka Nupepa Kuokoa." His >u>m d(> pluhie as a newspaper correspondent was Kamehameha Our samll mite as a contiibution īn memoria of the departed scientist and doctoi of divinity ean be found in. the words of John, the divine "Beati mortui m Domino moricntcs a' modo. Etiam, dicit Spintus, ut requiescant a' labonbus suis, at opera illorum bequuntur eum ipbii, " "Blebbed uie the dcad whieh die īn the Lord from hcnceforth; yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow th£m " Requiescat m paee—May he rest in peaee.