Kuokoa Home Rula, Volume VII, Number 12, 19 Malaki 1909 — Brush The Term Incurable Away! [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Brush The Term Incurable Away!

If is īneuniMe, \vhy it-tabhsh hospitals to cure the incurable J Dols it not m.uk! tu rL'cison, that an incurablc cliscase .ilw,iys rcnmins unnire, eiiul tlierelore there is 110 reniedj( or nicdinnc or Ulmluioiii, yct disco\eied, to curc it liliminate fio.n ojr statmes tlus dreadful word "mcural>[e " Let ihu H.iw.ui uis nnJeisi«rid th.it Jcp:osy like any other disease, whi' Ii pieyed on the human system, that at its etiily sttige, ean l>e nircd by pmper treatment and dietin(T Emoikl the tnne 101 the tieatnicni foi two ycarb or more. Here is anothiT stumli'inj; block toour unprofcssional mind or blunt of tlie art df hoalinp. What is Chinese lepiosy oi Ma'i P,ik<y What do you mean by saymg, that a petson Jias Irpiosy J - How ilo a pcrson know thal he or s»lit: the Chint'se lcpiusy 01 s>imply leptosy ? By what rtJle of b\ r whieh you ean nee the differenee between ma'i P.ike and M.u Lepera? No-w if ihe uūlni' fllt.ru s (a new anaiomieal termliy A/īoimi) isdiseased wuh Ma'i Pake or Chmcsc Lq>r:>by; t ind the /ihwm / (another new anatomical term) affcrted with Ma'i Lepera. or Leprosy, whieh of ihe two diseasts has the hwilli lcvra '■* What we want is loi our karned Solons to rlo away ail words or tcrms m ihe lcprosy law that prow no liope-. īn our unfortunne fellow bcings.

01 courbo Llicir arc m iny kmdb anil b(jrLs ol le}>rusy known īn aneienl timc3 and cvun now among thc lcprolo£ists, such as Lepra Vulftam,lepra dlphoide&, lcpraalba, li<prd nipmm, and the woist foim ol ,i, is whal is c,illc>d t īheieuloub lepra, commonly clcb-cribed as lilphdntiasis; leonme or elphanlme lepra, lepra of tlfc Arabians Pcrhaps to this list ean bc addcd such tctms as Chinc<?e Lcprosy and Hawanan Leprosy. It is 1101 Uie iU or proper name ol ihe dir>easc that we want. It is tlic propcr nicans cf ihi' poople to understand anel know, ih.it it is mush easier to euie lt'prosy at it uuly Uklii w,uiing uatil it lully developcil 01 tamtcd ihe whole systcm. Do awav thc imprisonment featurc of ihe law. How ean bc a pcrson be put lo jail foi any imfniiunatc nrnirnstancc that h; nnt K"?pnnsiblc?

| C(iM INMKH OtJ l'AOi: ? I