Kuokoa Home Rula, Volume VII, Number 12, 19 March 1909 — "In The Sweat of Thy Face Shall Thou eat Bread." [ARTICLE]
"In The Sweat of Thy Face Shall Thou eat Bread."
lhc I*l uf ihi* G«i\crnnr's rct«i imi Houpp Bill Nunibor 98, entitlod "An Act .i'ithnrMinp thc Paymontof ccrtain persons cmplo\ cd by the Cit> am.l Conniy cf Honolulu," was tho followinfj "It wuulH rntiu'lv ]u.stifiahlc toauthorize paymcnt for scivtn*s aeiualh' H-mlou'il md llie bcncfit of whieh ihe City .indC\uinty lus iciTncdj>*erriHough thc peisons who pcifotmcd thc sn \jcesTud not appomted, hui to p.iy othcrs who noither wcrc legally appomted noi pciformcd thc tciviccb woukl m my opmion be an un]ustifiablc apphcation nf the pcople's money." There were t\vo sets of eaiplojccs Those who worked with or without raithority, and thc Citj and County of Honolulu received thc bcnefit of it, and thosc who were leeally appointed bat did not rendcr anv scivices foi the benefit of thc City and C©untj of Honoluhi Thobc who were legally appomted and did thc woik foi thc City and County of Honolulu, are laborers dr jur< as well as dr /uch They are liwfully entitlcd to their pay Tnese, we beheve, should be paid by thc Bo.ird T)f Supeivisors, and be excluded out of the reach vi auy Aei. Il /enieiina, therefore, two scts of employecs or laborers to 'jc considcred; the laborers dc Jacti>- and th(?laborers '/« Thc first set only are eatttled to receive their just cumpcnsation <yuanlum meniU; and the other set of laborcrs cannot elaim anything for the swcat of their brows because none lioni their foreheads. Ihe great Lcgisktor of thc whole Universe told the first laborer (Adam) m ihe beautiful County of Eden, by way of commandment, to wit "In the sweat of thy face shall thou eat biead "