Kuokoa Home Rula, Volume VII, Number 12, 19 March 1909 — The Three Moses! [ARTICLE]
The Three Moses!
Moses did it all! Phew! Moses was oracle of the Most High. lt was Moses that towed the Isralites out of the Red Sea. It was Moses that towed Logan out of "Wallach's " fernale rock" (coral reef) at Sumner īslet. It was a Moses—Hawanan Supreme Court—that towed Supervis°r " One-lwp-ih-ee—Go " Loga.n out of that city and county mess. Doctor Robert Young defines the word Moses, in his Analytical Concordance to the Bible, as a, u drawer out." Indeed; Moses d'd Uuly dt*aw the īsraelitcs out of the waters of the Red Sea. The "S. C " Moses also drew Logan out of the city embroilio; and U. S. N. Moses diew out the Amenean transport " Logan " from thc giaspof Kahakauulana coral rock for Moses'