Kuokoa Home Rula, Volume VII, Number 11, 12 March 1909 — Our English Items. An Apology. [ARTICLE]

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Our English Items.

An Apology.

It is nollnno but th.it wo shotilt] oviotul our apology to Hon. Castto The getulom ui is not rospon~ siblle for that pieee of papcr handcd to Mr Koalawaa tlu> other day. We ate still huntincr for tho toal oulpni, and before the presettt legtsLittve cession is ovor, wo 'll f. e our man in good shape before the puhhe. But why take a joke too seriously ? The two Clutubers of tho Law Plouae ol Hawaii have dtvtsion lines sepetatmo the S,iints p>nd Gentiles, or Sheep and Goats. H'S Ilonoi the Speaker of the House did well, when he put Rep. Like into harness the other day to presi. le nvei his colleaguos. "We learned that a compromise is reachcd by tho Mayor and thc memhers of the Eoatd of Now, go right down to work and dispenso your dutios for the good o[ the people of ihe City and Countv of Honolulu. Gird yout loins with the bolts of Equality, and not of Ennuty. EditorLike has the Speaker's malletone day last weok. He being a scholar of high attainmenls, did fairly well perplev his honorable eom rades in the House. Don't be discouraged young man. Every time such opportunity is offered—you, take it with good grace, and thanks your star for the honor. We owe an apology to Castor, the twin brother of Pollux. Qeeen Luna, sister of the £ieat king, Hehos or Sol, imformed usthat our friend Castor (]ust fix the "r" before "o " and that's notre cher ami) was and is not the creator or the pionioter of that solar plexmg proposttion, whieh caused a terrible seisinic disturbance in the House the other day. President Smith of thc Senatc, has sounded the trumpet for Hawan -1 s salvation, when he made the remark, that a man, —more particulary a native of the soil —who has a home of his own, and a pieee of good terra firma stocked with vegetables or other lawful marketable products, v/hich ean support himself and his family, is a real King" He is an independent Sovereign. After all, that is not a new light under the sun, but it is as old as the first dawn of Christian civilization īnHawaiinei. Lahainaluna Seminary when started, has its foundation laid for agricultural science, so with Hilo Boarding School; Waioli at Hanalei Kauai, and Ahuimanu College on Oahu. Give us lands> at reasonable rate, and we'll do the rest. We are mighty glad that Representative Dr. Huddy's measure to ameliorate the condttion of lepiosy or in other words, to do something to cure lcprosy, has becn rcsurrected to life by the Heakh Committee At first, when we heard, that the same committee, m double quick time, relegated it into its prematurcd death, we thought it was a mahcious slap on thc Goverment of the United Siates, w])o is v/ilhng 10 eope with our pilikia, not only fnjr our but for the world over. As we said sometimes ago, let us plaee our implicit confidence oh Unele Sam, and he '11 face the situation for us. We are urging this from a Home Rule stand —point Do your work fearlessly to save the Hawaiian race. Why don't the good Solons eall an open meeting for the native citizens to confer with you on this grcat and important subject? We believe that our fnend, thc Honorable Senator Coelho ftom Maui, based his fishing lawon this proposition "The limits of the rtght of a nation to control the fisherieā on its sea coast, and m the bays and arms of llie sea within its territory, have ncvcr bcen placed at less than a maune league from tho coast on the open soa; and bays v/holly within the territory of a nalion, the headlands of whieh are nol more than two manne leagues, or sixgeogtaphical milcs apart, liave always been regardcd as a part of the terrUory of the n;ition m whieh they lie " Porhaps thc grcat ruck upon whioh the Maui Seflator huih hm so-callod anti-Japan-cae hshing proposition is, to wiL: "AH (ishettes in thc sea waLcrb of ihe Territory of Hawau noi inchidcd in any fish pond or artificial inclosuics sha.ll bc free to citi/ens of the United Statcs, subject however lo vested nghts." LOl the matter di"9p for thcpicscnt. Oui JapaneFo fnt-nds atL all nght, as far as fish is eonccrnod lioie m Oahu.

We do not believe that the most imponani measureS [or the people whieh are now in the lcgislature A , will become seIE acting prop&sitions dunng this regular legislative season. It is not an impossibility to hope for an extra session based lipon l£ no extra r ation for the people's servants." The servants of the people, representing the people in ' he people's law makmg hall, more especially m the House if Representatives, have at last got the thnce ciowing of St. Peter's rooster, on passmg the Immigpation proposition. -The usual [cry in our City legislature for nearly three moons, "one, two, three,— is taken up by the House Solons.