Kuokoa Home Rula, Volume VII, Number 10, 5 Malaki 1909 — Our English Items. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Our English Items.

Pknty of Kim thoso fc\v ,uul tho Cit\- .uul County I<\'r» of īlonoluln is growuig !u\tiuantly bo.iutifu! I'hP only thinp; that mais its sploni.lul i;ion-ili isthcsplash oi mud from the nnilo stdliles. The Soloiib m the House of Repiescntatives hnd on Friday a nee k.iukAii Mr. R>ee of the Garden Island started a tau-Un dmner th.il moinin» and usmg Mr. Shcldon's bill (marked li. B. 20) as a fan to eool himsclf with. When he was qnietly entin£ his kaukau, all of a sjdden theie was a eall for rtre from ever}\vheie in the House Have meicy on onr Enc;lish Whtn it floued like the morning dews on AaroiVs licai-d, uur goose quill and erystallized on our pupie- n' mue was 0. K. enough; but when it went through tlic Lype-setting-process, it was at the unmerciful treatment of our typos, who handled Lindley Murray's construction of the Enpliah lane;tiage with considerable pooh-wouh' But why throw a whole fish cooked (i hi /)i<>(lc H.iwanou berause it has lots ofbones? lt is no uso to susj)ect tlut the Home Rulers are sehcming to e,et translation job un some law liool<s proposed by some wise 1< because a llome Rule Keptesentative intruduced a measure of that sort, the other day. office Rave a fiee rcvision of ihe Hawauan laws during last legislativeperiod, andeven \vcntand gotthoselaws advertised m the Kuokoa Home Rula in 1907. We aie willing to da the same uork again this year for the same aloha, in order to stop grafting. Take yoiu ehoiee, gentlemen There was an uproat m the Waikki chainber of the Hawaiian parhament last week, due lo Mr. Bonine's life like picture of p®i eatmg. Tlie uutcome of the whole pihkia was a legislative bull huiled vit_ r «unst the moving picture man. It anathennzed the artiit aii(l placed a ban upon his head not to produce that obnoxious poi eating picture of his here or eleswhere Say boys, why can't yon enact a law forbiddmg any Hawanan to pc3se lumself or herself as sub]ect to such ditasteful representation, making it a misdemeanor? Also a law taboomg any ppison, whether kamaamaor malihini, to expose such picture in puhlie here 5 The Hooulu Lahui Bill exempting a man having six or more legitimate children uncler the age of 18, from paying poll, road and school taxes would encourage some men of means to get other peoples' "kids" by Judicial adoption; and such adopted "kids" and their adopted parents would stand īn the same īelaLion as if iueh children were the natural isbues of such adopted paients; henee, such children are legitimateto be grafted on the law Wh\ not shift the word "legitimate" to children born īn wcdlock. We may be wrong after all? Kaunamano's idea of "Hooulu Lahui" has at last materiah/ed īn Rep. Castro. Section 146 of the " Munieipal Act" is still m chaotic stage. Chicf Justicc Hartwell has well cxpressed this unsettled eonelilion of thc law, when he maele ihe hmt as follows, to wit. "Whcther the act rcquircs that the Board of Supervisors, wlien oigani/ed anel qu'ahfied to ael, shall p.iss upon appointments made by ihe Mayor-clect is a question whieh ean not be eloeieleil unless prcsented by some appropriate procecdlng.' , Now hore is the ehanee for John H. Wilson, Jtirc) for the road (iepaitment, under the appointment of thc Mayor-elect, to a test case through n H ci wm'i'milo proceedings agamst T. P. Cummings the head (de facto) of the mule housc department. A stumbhng block' "At any time between thc first day of December m the ycarOne Lhousand nine hundted and eight and the first day of January, m the Year nineteen hundred and mne the person who, at thc eleeūon held under this Charter m the month of November ncxt precedtng has been elected the Mayor of the City and County, shall make all the appointments piovided by tlns Charter to be made by him, and all tlie'persons so appointed shall thereupon qualify as in th;s Charter providod and shall lake office at the hour of noon on thc (irst Monday after the fiist day of January īn the ycar nineteen hunilieel and nme." In this Scction the SupetviE.ors-clect have noprovision wheicby lhey eould exercise their p'uumounL authority. This same Section piovide3, <( that all petsons appoimed by ihe Mayor-elect, slull theroupon, that is, īn consequence ol thc .ippointments nutdc by baid mayor elect, quahfy as in this Charter providcd—how quahfy? By the approval of the supervitoib-eleet, who aie simply oiriccrs potentiam non hahenl? The provt&ionb of law providing for qualif» 'iftons m this case as we know of, ifwe aie not miMakon, ui C|i p.ter VII of the Munieipal Act.

Poor Keeilawaa (Canoe trail) has our deep bympathy because of the "Solar-plexmg" trick played on his hoary head, thc other day, by his makamaka or friend, Mr Castro. Beware old fellow' Perhaps the worse is not yet eome A bjg ]oke has Maj't ■ V i ■■ t ' i. >'. 1 .. īf !i -1 A• otherday TheMayorOe'. »ti .a !: m-; ,'i.-> . ."■> ,• requested the munieipal Solon r/e facto and dc jure to file a petition pro jo>mci v,ith theSupieme Power m the Celestial Court, with a prayer to have mercy on the Board of Supervisors, and in the meanūme the honorable Solon shouldpenitently strike thrice onhis venei able breast with his hands, repeating the following formula. "ME'V Culpa Mea Culpa Mea Maxtma eiILPA," whieh word īn our own Enghsh are to wit: "through my fault (strike) throUgh my fault (strike again) through my most grievous fault (stike hard for the third and last time)."