Kuokoa Home Rula, Volume VII, Number 8, 19 February 1909 — Our English Items. Prophet Nahum's Prophecy Concerning The Horseless Car. [ARTICLE]
Our English Items.
Prophet Nahum's Prophecy Concerning The Horseless Car.
Tho hoisoloss cir, \vj]t'lhci by Meani, (. loeii icitv 1 t;a.s, compiebScd au, or my other motivc pnwn , h,is hoen piophesied hy tho ptophetNahum ahout 713 )*. ub helon the birth of Chr;st, m the \vordb U 1 Tho chariots bh.ill be wilh undiLS. 1 2. In the day of his prepar,v.ion, , 3. And thc tīr trecs shall be tcrnbl\ shakon, i 4 Thc >.haiiots bluill iac;o in iho blivot°,, 5. fhey shall justlo ono v\qainst .ino'hei īn ihe l>road' \va>b, j 6. They bhdll betm hke Lorches, j 7 Ihey shall nin like the lip-htnmjrs, j 8. He -ihull recount his woithies, l 9. I hey shall btumblc in thcir walk, IU. They shall make haste lo thc wall theruil, U And ihe defenee shall bt propared Nuhum 2 3-5. 1. Look the smoke staeks oi tht locomoti\es Don't they luuk like the flannng toiclKS? 3. Aie not ihe uees of the fuiest, hke the hr tiees, used for iail-tond tieb, and aie they liot teinbly shaken 4 Are not lhese hoicse-le3s cais, ragmg- m ihe stieets today ? 5 Are they not justlmp, one an«ther m the bro.id ways, and (6) cairj mg torclios, and (7) like l>ghtniny? 8 Are uot the conductors of ihee hoisp]ess cars counting the laics they rccLived Imm p,isseugers ? 9 IDon't these conductoib stumblc īn thcir walk on tliese cars, when col[ectmg ihe passen^ers'faies' ? And that these horse-less cars are lo make their appcar- ( nces "īn the day of OWs preparattou " lor thc end of ttmes !=• not "h \t diy n har--l 3