Kuokoa Home Rula, Volume VII, Number 7, 12 Pepeluali 1909 — Our English Items. Lincoln, Civil War, Smith. [ARTICLE]
Our English Items.
Lincoln, Civil War, Smith.
This is the 100th annivetsary of Ahiaham LmeohA bitth diy He \vas bom in Hardin Ccnmty, K(nUucky in the ycar 1809, He was Hfted up by the Amenean people on the 4th day of March, 1861, to the highesthonor tlv<it. the nation could givc, and on the 14th clay of Apnl, 1865, died a martyr at ihe hands of John Wilkos Booth, a Southern sympathizcr. In 1860, at thc request of the younp men's Republican Club of New York, he dchvered an address in that city on the pohtical situation clcfeing with thc words: i( Let us have faith that right makes mipht, and īn that faith lct us to the end darc to do our duty as we understand it " His administration was marked by thc Civil War, otherwist! L\illed the Rcbclhon. History tells us that South Carolma brw L m the iebelhon, Deccmber 20th, 1860, and that ihe first gun whieh starti d thc war wasfired in the same State m Apnl 12, 1861, when Gencral Bcauregard attacked on ForL Sumtei This cvent markcd the beginnmg of the war Abo«t t\venty aine or thirty yrars before this war started īn South Carolina, a poor and un!earned young man by name of Joseph Smith, m 1832, on Christmas day, made the following prophccy: " Veri!y, thus saith the Lord, concerning the wars tliat will shortly eome to pass, bep;inning at the rebellion of South Carolina, whieh will eventually terminate in the death and nusery of many souls. The days will eome that war will be poured out upon all nattons beginning at that plaee; for behold the Southern States shall be divided against the Northein States, and thc Southern States will eall on other nations, evtn the nation of Great Brittam, at it is called, and they shall also eall upon other nations, ln order to de - fend themselves agatnst other nations; and thus shall war be poured out upon all nattons And it shall eome to pass, aiter many days, slaves shall rise up against their masters, who shall be marshaled aAd disciplined for war And lt shall eome to pass also, that the remnants who are left of the land shall marshal themselves, and shall become exceeding angry, and shall vex the Gentiles with a sorc vexat!on, and thus, with sword. and by bloodshed, the inhabltants' of the earth shall mourn, and with famine, and plague, and earthquakes, and the thundei of heaven, and the fierce and vivid Ughmmgs also, sha!l the mhabitants of the earth be made to feel the wrath and indignation and chastening hand of an Almighty God, until the consumptlon decreed hath made a full end of all nations, that the cry of the Saints, and the blood of the Saints, shall cease to euine up into the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth, irom the earth, to be avenged of their encmies. Wherefore, stand ye īn holy pUces, and be not moved, until the day of the Lord eome, for behold it cometh quickly, saith the Lord, Amen " Mr. John Hydc, who \vrote a work agauibt the Mormons, entttled " Mormonism," whieh was issued by Fetridge & Co., of New York City in 1857, about three ycars before thc rebelhoti, citcs on page 174 tlns sam2 prophccy. We have no kiele when smart Ameneanh eome to Hawun and tell the kanakas that " American citics to-chy are poorly governed with absurd systtms of government. " We also coincide with the ick*a, that " the rotten fact of the piesent systcm is that we hokl nu one responsible in munieipal affairs; the ppwei is pj<i diffused " We are mueh enlightened when the Hon Mihou Rced nf Fall Rim, Massachusetts, U. S A a cousin of the lale Tom Rt;ed, the One man Rule of the House īn Washmgton, when he said the other day that " the shame of our <aties is that there is no sense of personal responsibhty " Well, th.u is pohtical Amcricanism against pure Home Ruleisms Pure Home Ruleisms is a patcrnal form of government When tht* head of the lannly stands on pure principlcs and rulc c his» huusehold, lhmgs will eventually move īn conformity tc such pnnciples. The bones o 1 prophet Ezn's Jackass are at prcsent īn the Couit of th§ wisc lntcrpretors of the Law. It will take about u*n ui fifteen days more for the Suprcme (Judiciali Powei to clothe those bones with live flesh, and then raisc llie ani-mule (animal) to hfe Thcn what V Then tht unimal will begin to bray a song: I am the only miula, That movcd and piula, Bul ain no more piula, But always amiula. Give hay for the mniLi, And ihe muila nn inuie piula
The Philippino boys wit,h their wonderlul performances orievery-kiad andsortof musicalmstrumentslast weekeclipsed the Hawaiiano Band for abouttwo days and t\vo nlghts. The Japanese high-wage agitation here is only good for rag-time war tdlk. The fiddlers and the dancers will shortly exhaust themselves over their efforts, they have t» square down on Amenean soīl and pant ior breath. Ixt lngh-wage agitators agitate their harmless plea. The whole vaporous matter will coalesce into a meteoric nucleus, that will vanish īn thin air, but hot. The kapala-alaea white beautics of Honolulu nei made, on last £aturday, a very successful raid on the boys. The kapala-nlaea business made a good haul of several thousand nickels, am3untiig to $3235.85. WhyJ don't make the 6th. of February eaeh year an anniversary kap«h-*ilae<i or tag-day? But we believe if some one propobe a " Hobson Day," that will "corral" thousands of the stuff known in a lawer's phrase as, "'the gladsomelight oī jurisprudence.'' Is this a pieee of Kahunaism m qur Christian Bible ? Read this: " And God wrought special miracles by the hands of Paul. "So that from his body weie brought unto the Sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits \vent out of them."—Acts 19-11, 12.