Kuokoa Home Rula, Volume VII, Number 6, 5 Pepeluali 1909 — Our English Items. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Our English Items.

Thc Territorial lej»islative mill will begin grinding on the 17th., day of this monih. The honomlile Solons and " v;oolies " will labor laboriously for ihe good or no good of theif masiers, the electors. ' Dr. Atcherley is not insane, but the law under whieli he was committed by the Honolulu District Magistrate to the insane asylum, is declarcd to be unconstitntional by an American Circnit Court through huheua rm-pus pi*oceedings brought up on beh;ilf of the Doctor; henee, the doctor is not pupule, and thercfor not a fit person for a " pupule" house. We believe that the City and County Fathers are fit subjects for examination by a good phrenologist. We will not be at all surprised that every one of them has a well developed bumps of combativeness and destructiveness or adhesiveness uf a hybrid-sense. The City and County " Papa " and his " episcopois " (overseers) have accelerated the move to make the See of the bishopric of Trent the central point for a seismic disturbances. Well,Trent, was Jtie,man that gave thellome Rule-Republican-Democratic/Board of Supervisors several hard rubs for sonu:times; an'd he will do it again if he gets a ehanee. If there was one or two Home Rulers in the present board of Supervisors, now wading through the present chaotic muddle, would'nt the -Republican and Democratic sheets howled and growled; hissed and anathamized the poor Home Rulers for locking and blocking theCity and County works of Honolulu? Oh! Poor Home Rulers;_just lookon and see the fun that, your poliūeal foes are rubbing eaeh other. Why is all this pilikia ? Jacks in theboxes; strings on the jacks; and the strings tied to jacks' backs are pulled by the jack pullers; henee, the fanatic fandango. Say! Whatisthis? F s —s —!!! Justreadthisl Ha-iah!!!! It is only an apostolic " Good Suggestion " from "S(t.) Andrews." " Editor Advertiser: Allow me to make the followfng suggestion, to wit: When the Lēgislature meet have a bill iritroduced and immediately passed repealing Act 118 of the Session Laws of 1907, entitled 'An Act incorp@rating the City and County of Honolulu ?' This will stop all n6nsense.' 7 (Sunday Advertiser, Jan. 31st.) The suggestion looks good, but it is wi~Amenean. Not only that; but in doing away with the Munieipal Act, merely for the purposc of stopping " all nonsense," is a pro eonfesso plea, that the Hawaiians are not fit for self government, and it opens the high way for " Government l)y Commission." The "t" in the first parenthesis is ours. Who is " Bob " Wilcox the father of the young man in whose honor the Hawaiian band under the leadership of Professor Berger gave, sometimes ago, few boom boom! Willy—wiek-wee! whah-whah-whaek! fv-io-tra-fvio-tra! tra -la-la! rub-rub! music ? We read Bystander's views ol the man. Now, we here give what the Congressional Record says of " Bob " Wilcox: "Robert William Wilcox, Independent Home Rule is a native Hawaiian; born in Honuaula, island ol Maui, February 15, 1355; his lather was a native of New Port, R. I; and his ancestors were originally established in this country in 1630, his motherwas a pure nativeof theisland of Maui, a descendant ol Lonomakaihonua, brother to King Kaulahea of Maui in 1700; was first educated in a eommon school called 'Haleakala Boarding School,' Makawao, island ol Maui, later received academic education at the Royal Military Academy, Turin, Italy, from 1881 to 1885, becoming sub-liutenant of artillery; in 1885 entered the Royal Application School for Engineer and Artillery Officers at Turin, and in 1887 was recalled by the Hawaiian Government; in 1880 waa elected to tlie legislature as represe»itative lrom Wailuku, lsland of Maui, in 1889 from Honolulu, and in 1892 from Koolauloa, island of Oahu. Mr. Wilox was an.indefatigable and fearless leader lor his countrymen."

From a lover of Ha\van's Legends—"lam very glad that you areMoing such good work m preserving the legends. I have found some very fine things in your legends."—W. D. W. to Kuokoa Home Rula. A word uf encouragement like the above is duly appreciated by us And W. D. W. did not onlj' ahow his grateful heart for the little bit, we are doing for the preservation of the Hawaiian legends, but he has paid his one year's subscription for the KuūKOA Home Rula. Aloha nui W. D W. There are two sets of City and CoLinty working-men for Honolulu nei. One set of men are Demooratic employees, and the other, nre Republicans. The first set isdoing nothing, and the other is doing the real City work. If we say, that the flrst set has the full rjght to do tba work of the City then they are employees henee, the otherset>of men are emploj'ees de faclo De ]ure people gets nothmg, but the emptied honor of being a City fMnployees. and the dc fuctv people get the real stuff After so mueh fuss being done by the Board of Supervisors and His Excellency the JJayor over the Honolulu force of road men, we see that the Repubhcan side is still macadamtzing good ioads and streets toeitablishthemselves and their claims good tor two years.