Kuokoa Home Rula, Volume VII, Number 5, 29 January 1909 — Our English Items. KA NA'I AUPUNI. ANGLO—HAWAIIAN ITEMS [ARTICLE]
Our English Items.
Gpand CONCERT AM. DA.NCE For Th<r I\ nt'fu iil th«* K.i.tlinni inu S»nLt\ At tht: Roy.d Hawaiuin HoU'l Saturd.i\, J.mucir\ 30. ,(t 7 M P M Admission Cents
S.v; Papa.lon'i Eur?tn u> uke your bWLet Main.i t«. tht> Gianel Conct"rt and ihnee, tl',u\ tr<>ini; i<> he on ful! switT ( ' in thoßoyal Hawauan Holel to-nnrrow nnrht (J. in 3(Jih T Don't M.mgv P.ipa l Eh hien' nw chor Miol (IIoney) just the uU mau few gt'ntlf sli.ikos and just ,i few un 1 sque\ves; and thcn ask him fot a loan of [ew ''Shektl:.to i\ury with you to the K.iahum.inu GMtid Ci>na;rt ,md Danre to-monow night. If tht. old lellow \etoes)oui first appropriation biJl, you keep right on (_v.ipor.it ing him ttll you knockthc breath' out of htm. Thcn hand him ynur supplotnental bill foi thc C.>ncert and Dtnce Hc will burcly, te your great surpnse I O K your bill Shake and squee r and c\ aporute the old f«-llow The C<junty of Hawa» t.tkts the rak' v this fme Its defunct Board of Supcivisors has lclt a nuncupative wtll devisinG; an indebtedncss of $31,323 38 to bt' paid by its m*w Biwid That'b only (-lostly thc mshiimon of thf Apostle Paul to the Galatians, to wn " K hah kekahi o oukou i na mea kaumah.i a kekahi pela oukon e hooko a> 1 ke kanawai o Kiisto. "Brat yr one another's burdens, and so hilhl tlie law ot Ohn^." Why should some of the Unitcd Statcs Senators o r Congressmen growled and howled at the people of Hawaii becdiisf o{ thc suspension of the coastwise l.iws, if Hawaii nei is only asset of the United States ? The llilo is havmK a tat miwle will not be at all surprise that they will noi-noi the coming Lej/islature for *n a2->pioj>riatinn tn r.ury t>n their wai against the rodent ci«2ens of the "Rain-drippmg-lchua " tnwn of Hllu Monc\ fut i?ts, nnil none ini kanakas' Is that it? The Legislatjrp mill will begin grinding ncxt moon. Its centrilugal machmeb for cvaporatinß mulasses will be m full swing. And about that timo, and httle l.itcr on, we'll sec bctter what "now wo scc throujrh a glass, darkly " No favontism but prin<'ipleism, is thc stunnnj> pohcy taken by the Mayor last week when ho wieldcd the "royal prerogative'' in r \e-omg the paj-roll for Honululu polme, at the head of whieh is our good (ricnd Haahlio, a staunch Democrat As the mdjoniy of the native Hawaiuus> on this' Mcriean possession, havc no direct benefit on thc suspenbion or not of the Co,istwise navigaton lawb, ihu lanahi* do not a fig on cither horn of the dilloma But kt us give oui mahalo nui to Lipk L McCandloss for the brave stand he took īn aid of thc otht.r one, īn casting ihe ncgaiivc voie «tgainst the suspension of the said navigation lawi. upheld by 168 strong. This is a ea&e of Hawanankee Ameneanism vrrmt* Americankee-Yankccism Did you ever rcad the third Chaptcr Verse 5 of Samt Paul's Second lcttiT to Tiuinthy? If nol, then re.id it 4, Having a hom ol fiodline!ss, butdenying thepowcr thereof;! Imm such turn away." This is wh{it. " highei rutisni" is doing īn thcee last days. Thesc so called learned nien ,ia j like Jannt»s and Jambic9 when tluy withsti>od Mose.s, tl» , man who believed thc divine origm of his mi&oion, so do, these higher cnties icsist divino ongm of Uue Chnbtiainly, that it js nol a iehgion from God. ' 1 But they ihall procced no j further; (or their fally hli.ill be inam[e',t<.'d unto all men," s.iy& St. Vaul. Just read ihe article. "Alter ihe Cnlicism-**-Whali 1 in last Sniulay's Advertiscr
Don't you waat to read good Hawaiian legcnds in a good genuine Hawaiian'? If so read thc Kuokoa Home IIULA. There you fine the hgendb of Kawelo, and lln-akaikapoli-o-Pele Truths m a nut shcll—" Tlie Church. ib to be blamed, not the working classes." " Labor strikes are only possiblc m countncs wheie the spint and teachmg of the Carpentcr'b Son havebeeo known '' <! I do not beheve the Church, as she today, is competent to heal thebreach beU\oen the neh nnd pooi oi adjust the relaLiuns between capital and lalwi " "The Church today lives a doubioliic and piartihes a double creod." —Rev. J. W. Wadman thc Plonolulu Methodist Church last Sunday cvenmg. They say that the B.epubJican and Democratic Board muddlc is still gettmg \\orse and worsc. A the Mayor rcfuset, to put any question to the Board, Mr.-JLojran will take up his usual merry go round motions to complete the fun, and the usual closingchant i's sung by ;lic Rcpubhcan sextet: ' The Mayor is maliciously blockmj> the aff.iirs of state. Poi and fish and bread stufr we luue not '' Our friend, Mr. Crawford did not heeonie an mteruptor of languages in Judge Andradr's Coutt but he has at last got an angi'//ic (messenger) duty in the ofhce of the City and County Attomey. Willie is all right. He qets a plum that weights 75 pounds. Dr. John Atcherley is pronounced by a Judicial edict the other day, that he his insane; he is a fit persnn for the msane asylum. The court jn his decision says, that Dr. Atcherley " while on the witness stand and while īn the Court room, was a model \vitness, his conduct was only that of a refined, cultured ; higbly educated English gentleman, x x x and from his conduct the Conrt could not find him msane." There is only one course to pursue to get the doctor out of h— into whieh he has been casted and that is by writ of a habeas corpus.