Kuokoa Home Rula, Volume VII, Number 4, 22 Ianuali 1909 — A Good Word For Wallach's Treatment. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

A Good Word For Wallach's Treatment.

About a year agoyesterday we received lor puLliealion u» thc Kuokoa Home Rula an anonymous communication' \vntte.i in At that time *ve didnot have thegood i humor to pubhsh it, so we stowed it among our \vorthless' scripts. For just a year we forgot the stuff a]together, un-j til the other day when Dr. trial m the Poli<_e I Court awrikened our lethargic fonJctfulness, and made us search the almost lost manuscript Our effurt was we-ll t rewarded We tound the precious document. And \ve produce us contents here: "The Boaid of Heahh seem very anxious toprove the i Wallaeh remedy test a failure. Tney are making desparate ! effoits to choose the cases for him, that he may work on those, either past cunng or w<th some fatal complication, or tn serure some means of interference during the treatment, that may render it ineffectual. Never did a body scientific ttnd supposedly humane īn name show such utter indifferenep to science or seem so eagerly anxious and terrihed lcst the merits of Wallach's substanre should be denied ur k-sL the lcpers should rev.eive the shghtest benefit. "1 hey hint at a laek of respect on Wallach'bpart wlien they ment nothing but contempt. When you consider that President Pinkham himscH is well acquamted\vith the curative results of this ireatmt*nt —lns tonduc ; possiiively sltOLkin)J "Is it not a fine example to the young ol the Teintory 1 to soe all duphcity and vulgar trickery, houored, iespected' dnd rcwarded? These are the qualitics that the> will nowj (.ultivate and known how their tejcliers, ieligyus ;mdi)tlierv/ise aie all humbugi\ Wallaeh has signed one peilectly fair set ol conditions—diaftcd by the Board of Heallh —and agreed by them —now lhey wani to go back on their vvord. "We know now who llie imposteis aie who daie not face test. It is not the man with the remedy—it is those who would loose money and reputation by the eine of j the Lepeis. I Il There are some things that evcn the most soidid gialt hokls sacied, and this is very decidedly one ol them —only | the most depiavcd could induce to make profits out of ihe suffenng lepers when they know very well that they niay recover The followmg aie mterested in a busincss \vay in Uie iepei Settlement tr ade and"of course do not wish to loo<=e "We propose the Legislatuie appiopridte money to secure them against loss 111 case the inhabitants of thc Lepei Setlle-j ment are icducrd to an unprofitable numbcr, by the recovety' of the majuntv and theremoval of a laige number who arej suffering froin other skin diseases and paralysis, such as | Liehen — Keloid and Syphihs of the skin and Chionic spinal meningitis— synngc*—myeln—and lead palsy runongtlie, ''Anacbthetic Leprosy Case.' 'We have heard thc quality ot the speciaJist chos"n to <,ondcmn all the disease and paialytic to Mnlokai and examples aie athand where such holelmiilii'aLe. nf Leptosy whei'' it v/tn 1 1 he diffiLulL lu say on vhrL trcJudL they weie conderiined." I