Kuokoa Home Rula, Volume VII, Number 4, 22 Ianuali 1909 — Our English Items. [ARTICLE]
Our English Items.
IIIE life of the prophet's ass is c k \Mpotati-d j THAr Di. Atcherley demes. thc baullus thcoiy tl\c piimuty cause of leprosy. j tIK us not the only medical man m the worhl that ; pooh-pooh the bacillus theory He also demes> the th6ory th.it lepros) is eommunu aMc by moeul.uion. | He that leprosy onginated entiieiy from the 1 ahmentary eanal | THE doctors theory on this point comcidcs ex.u tly '' wuh the "old Hawanan practiceof herb cure men. fhe female rock as a curative element —01d Hawa r 1 ians annently pulverued a "sea-iock" known by »hc name' ot "ana," and the tine po\vder of whieh wert* used for the! eui-e of <•" orthrush (aplha?) m children We haw hn- J ia oui olliee a sample of the "pohaku ana. " | Mr ANDiIK\\S io his Dictionarv, gives thc aehnition of the word- "Ana—A kind of lt£ht stone ftnind| īn the se-M, nsed by nurses lo cure tlie i'U oi the white lui on the tons;ue, also used in rubbing atid pohshinn off eanoes ;uid wooden calabashes. " ! DR AICILEH.J.IiY īn his testimony hefoie tlie Court, tlio! othe: da\, showt\l that "saked food, tin tood, raw iish ami' entrails would tend to cause Pnmary cle^ene r atiun ot the nei\\>us systetn is ooe of leprosy Out conesj>ondent Mr. Joseph I of Lihae, Kauai, īn a letter dated Jan 15th. mentioned of the followin£ items " Last Sunday, January 10th., a strong"Kona " wind destioyed and ruined several houses m the Val!e} (.>{ Hanalei "About 7 o'eloik P. M oi Monda\, i Japanesc servant {411-1 caught hre in the house of Mr W F. Sorborn of Hanalei, and at lpra of Tuesday, the poor eirl ched "