Kuokoa Home Rula, Volume VII, Number 1, 1 January 1909 — Our English Items. [ARTICLE]

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Our English Items.

Taking off ouf iron mittens and laying down our war quills for today, we shake hands with every one we meet on °ur way, whether suchperson likes it or not,, but it being our bountiful and gracious duty to perform, we must execute'the Happy New YēAR Aloha to- every one alike. Happy New Year.

Admiral Dewey, on the 26 th, of last month, just one day after the recogni6ed birth day of the World's Saviour, entered his 71 years. of age; and his shooting ability is not by all means weakened by his. old age. The Admiral is.the savior of America 's honor, when he poured a hail of bullets on.them Spanish antidated fioating forts in the harbor of Manila, and every time he hits the Spanish bull 'ē

The colored pugilist, Johnson, has bumed Mr. Burn 's fingers in their bloody fight at Sydney.to earn the bloody Johnson got the. prize he fiercely, cleverly and scientiEically fought for in the fourteeneth round. They were 200,000, civilized people looking gleefully on the civilized. and up-to-date method of one soul pummelling another soul,. and all for the sake of blood money. The big carbon iellow gotthe best of the scientific and terrific Hne battle. s

President Roseofthevalley (Roosevelt) defers action on the application for paxdon for Gompers & Co. I6aders of the laborites, _ Q n the ground that if the executive exercise its [unction at this time, when the Re Gompers et al is yet withm the powes of the Judiciary Department, such exercise would amount only. to ap interference of the iudiciary function, henee the labonte leaders m«st wait until the judicial power is exhausted, and-not getting anv good unction for their wounds, then they ean invoke and pray for the have mercy on us " unction from the Rooseveltian Dispensary.

We had a good īrish priest for a teaclier at Ahuimanu College, %vhen we W ere there, and he used to tell his keikis not to speak evil 0 f some one whose lamp of life would soon be blo\vnup, because in doing so we are simply showiiig our iU Teehngs toward the poor creature and w o uld hereby accelerate his death in a double quick time We did not recognize the worth Q f this priestly a dvicc untill we seeone ortwoof our English speaking .contemporarieē doing up President Roo9evelt,who is nownearinghis political grave, wth caustic anecdotes and nioiwela remarks. Pshaw! thev m days just gone by, to the halleluyah gang of K.ooseveltian admirers. Whv is this?

Not a c;lrop of rāin at Ulupalakua, Makawao, Maui, I jor nine steady months. Water wells are all dried up. Cat~ tle and horses are dying for want ol water, Katives arQ thinking to desert the curse_d land, and move to the sea coas t Lo wet their" dried throats with brackish v/s.ter."'- Stay where you are, fn'ends! You'll have all the water you want pretty soon. Do you know why we like Dr. Emerson he.f continued as Poliee Surgeon? Because he is doing a ireat work the Hawaiians and for Hawaii; does - not help him financially, If we are not greatly mistaken, that the Doctor now is on ihe way to complete a New Hawaiian Dictionary, whieh will eventually supersede the great work of Lorrin Andrews. Let the Democratic administration oE the Poliee Department retain the Dr's professional services, and thereby, the Democrats \vould be numbered among thc real friendp of the Hawaiiah language, when the Doctor writes the last word of this, his valuable work. Bor the sake of Science we strongly utge the retention of Dr. B. Emerson in the oFfice that he may proceed on with his vvork. We are friends