Kuokoa Home Rula, Volume VI, Number 52, 25 Kekemapa 1908 — The Island King To His Queen [ARTICLE]
The Island King To His Queen
To catch a glimpse of yonder shore My eager eyes I strain And pray that I was there —- onee more! Let me not pray in vain The surf its sil\4ery crest display On that far shore I love When back, I make my homeward way No more I'll care to rove Dear waiting one, I think of thee The maile round thy neek! O, tell me, wild and angry sea, liow long you '11 hold me back Since then I cannot meet you now, Divide by the main Let me tell you fondly now I 'll hope we 'H~meet again A love like thine, so leal and true My devious way will guard And when the rounded world I view Thy love is my reward. [ CONTINUED ON PAOE 2. |