Kuokoa Home Rula, Volume VI, Number 52, 25 Kekemapa 1908 — Christmas Smoke—Hurrah! [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Christmas Smoke—Hurrah!

Yeye r ciay, Jt has been pleased our good and honorable ilkane, Mr. Eeeekona/ lo hand to each of the employers : low^nctes.oftt e HawauaT, /udicjary Department* both of whieh are in Oahu a box ol 3weet maile scentec3 cigars 3 brand O. K. as taken 0 f the r ' s Aloha Karikimaka to his Hawaiian Friends, □I couse, none of the.good weed eame in our possersion although we sav? the good afticle with our eyes o pencd. '