Kuokoa Home Rula, Volume VI, Number 52, 25 December 1908 — We Told You So, Didn't We! [ARTICLE]
We Told You So, Didn't We!
E)iadn'twe tell you thāt theßepublican recount case wrill be .thrown by .the Suijrenie Golirt in a mud hole? Aad 4idn't it eome out that.,way i ? The ft"TTntfnA Home "Rni,A of 11 itist., gave the. follQw,ing item: be or not to be' is the question. . Whether the fec6ūnt case n<swVbeiord the Supreme Court is 'o be or jwt to jje in iavpr of tīie -llepulālieān petitiofeers or whether it is to or;hbt to iii r favpr of the Dempcratic defendant, dependa 'mueh on, .patched up evidence on both sides. do not'at all hesitate to say that i£.the whole muddle wi'll tboroughly :andīmpartiallv sifted bv the Court it will be throvm in; a. mud h*6lp