Kuokoa Home Rula, Volume VI, Number 46, 13 November 1908 — Our English Items. [ARTICLE]
Our English Items.
I{ you \vant a happy group of people living on a eominunistic plan, g'o down to Laie Sculement by rail, anel you will see the most effective plnn of the kinel ever established in these islands. No booze house is allowed there. Kakekake (Cathcart)''got the best of the argument after all in the People's Court on eleetion day. The mixed jury gave him a verdict for two years' job in the office of City and County Attorney for Honolulu. Hurrah for Kakekake! It will be high Ume for Hawaii nei to see the Democrats building up hospitals for people having the lepras bugs (bacilli). The people then will have all kinds of bugs—humbugs and bed bugs. Vote for the Democrats! The struggle is over, the smoke whieh darkened the battle field has cleared up! We believe in healing the wounds of both foes and friends. We also believe to join hands with the victors, irrespective of party affiliations, and work for the good of Hawaii. The awa-root man did some stunning good lively work on election day. He "bested" his sponsor A—with 641 live votes. Bon garcon, George! Who says that awa incantations don't \vork? The Home Rule candidates defeated at the polls do not at all worry their heads about it. Every one ot them is able to keep himself afloat and tide over to give the Republicans, Democrats, Laborites and mugwumps a good lively tu ssel at the next election and make their opponents run pretty briskly for all the u *hchla" they are worth. There'll be a landslide yet! Pololei kela! We pity the good old man, Mahoe, of Waialua forpolitely nursing two C's and one R. near neighbors of his, all of whom are straight pea-jacket Republicans. Your true friends, the Home Rulers, prophesied to you, that if you insist to ho!d on that proposition, you will see stars. Alas! old man, there you are, We are told that friend McCandless has filed his expense account with the proper authority, and it showed a lump of $3197.65 Gee! If the Home Rulers only have the even half of that gold lump, they would make a elean sweep all around! There is going to be a ratification meeting by the Republtcan Champions at Aala Park. Saturday evening. We only wish that some of them would tell the people, that they. are ready with their set of bills to abplisb Fcm's pay —to plaee a detector (doctor) ot schools —to itnport immigranta from Europe, and their Delegate will bringa bill in Congress to disfranchise a that could not "parlez a AngOf course, the last proposition is on]y following the wake of the Anglo Saxon civilization. The late news we received from the fourth district, that representative-elect Douthittwillbring a billin the eoming Legislature to abolish Mr. Fern's pay for being the firat Mayor in the Territory of Hawaii. That's a republiean revenge. Why not Eddie ask Congress fo do away with the af all gas pipes, water-spouts, wlndbags, good-for-nothing and know-nothing mouth pieces, labeled "The People's representatives"? Why not abolish all laws fixing the salaries of public servants? Although that will not put the Home Rulers out of business. Vote for the Republicans! Here 011 the island and County of Oahu, Frank Harvey beat the Republican Delegate 199 votes; and al\ around the island he polled just exactly 1000 votes ov.er McCand. less. Joe. Fern had 215 Cpunty votes ahead of Likana. Frank and Joe had been very actively preaching the Hawaiians not to cast "color and race-line >J votes. But, how the i-leuee ean a pcrsanq eompom mcnlis reconcile these discrepancies? Gee! ilnifing must have beei\used pretty freely somewhere, on election day ? Sure kela, wela ka hao!