Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XLI, Number 3, 9 October 1946 — PUBLIC NOTICE [ARTICLE]
All pereons who have previously filed applications, are rrquested to let the Commission know whethor or not they are intereisted in houselots at Keaukaha, Hawaii hy lettor or h\ peisonal vi?it lo tl»c Conmussion in Hbnoluhi, or shall apprar hi pt*rson at tlie Keankaha Offioo of the rommission (Kawananakoa Hall ), Teleplione 3833. They will he requtrec! to fill out NKW APPLICATION FOBMS. Failure to iommunieate your present desire for a Keauknha homelot within 30 days after first appearanee of thi? advertisement, yonr ohl appliration now on iile wiUi tlic will l»c disregarrle<l and plaeed in the dead iiie. , HAWAUAN HOMEB COMMISSIOM (v>V HOKl! O UAWAU