Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XL, Number 25, 7 November 1945 — News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha School [ARTICLE]

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News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha School

i ,Thirty aix aeaUemle silver JnnB isa4 two gold piiui >ere awardv*<l to th« boy« of Uk» Kamehameha iieUoo l, uu 10, miO, by the boys' aehwl adviser, Mr. Allen Bai!ey. . In order to win an honor Pin a boy must be in t)ae upper 15% o£ his and a,lso possess a |v«ry high "attitude" grade. | The gold pins were awarded t<> jtwo boys of Oahu—jPhilip Palama 1 and Ralph Morgan. SJiver plna were awarde<i to the following boya; Oahu: Leater cimlhbera , Eiimuud I*wHer, Don»ld Ho, Marvin Ferreira, Al«xindcr Fi»her, Clyde liiaaeu, Herman Meyera, Howard Timaa, Gcorg<.' H«ndrickAlbert Kaailau,. Stanley Liun, Willlam Deering, Elmer Manley, Alika Parish, Georg:e Kanahele, Walter Pomroy, Robfrt Levy, vin Prestidge f John Awana, Samuel Kalili, Kenneth Batong, Jacob Lau, Harold Bailey, Joshua Akana, AlvinAona, Paul Kekoa and | William Haina. ' j Hawaii; Donald Yamada, Joseph i Kapiko and William Bell. Kauai: /William Femandez, Ernest Duvauchelle, Jamea Christain and Milion Wong. ■; > ' Bfwd: Fletcher Aleong and Abraham Ck>cketL Molokai: Elmer Chu.