Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XL, Number 16, 15 August 1945 — News Of Big Isle Boys In Service [ARTICLE]
News Of Big Isle Boys In Service
HEADQUARTEftSj, RĒPLACE-' MBNT TRAiMNO COMMAHr>, OAHU, T. H,—Elghi Hawaii uoldfa»« l&dudtA£ m«n from Oahu, Kauai aud Hawaii bou»d for furlouglu> jTrom overseas' tcevicc. *' Axnong them are: ] Pfc. Kazuto R. Izumi, 27, who' wiH be greeted he returns by his -wlfe and daugfcter, Racheī, anjd his parent.s, | Mr. and Mrs. Yasutaro Izumi, 675] Mililanl St., Hilo, Hawal. He entered the army March 21, 1941, nerving fur 23 munlh» in the lUUian and SoqUicm r«tc|fic carapaignja. His d<,-<;orationB arc: American Defenae. A3latic-Paoiftc and Euiopean- The«trc ribbons, Unit citation, Combat Tnfantry Badge, Bronze Star, Four Battle Stare, and Good Medal. |He attended Hilo high scfiool and was employed by Hawaiian Cane Prodacts as a eane inspector. Sgt Kaneieki Morimoto, 32, son of Mrs, Sue Morimoto, Kealekekua, Hawaii, who has the Purple Heart, the Bronze and Com- . bat Infintry Badge, Entering the
army on December 9, 1940, he j serveū 38 inQnths iij North Afrl- | ceC Italy Shā France. In civfi3īan } life, he was a oarpenter for ( Walker Moody, contractors. ! Cpl. Shizuo Toma, 28, who. will his furlough wfth his parent«, Mr. and Mrs. Otokichi Toma, Pahoa, Hawaii. Over»eas for 35 months, CpL: Toma entered the army on Nov- j ember 12, J941. Hc holds four ■ 'battle stars, Paficic stars, Pācific j iand European Theatre ribbons anā :■ junit citation. He served in Italy ( 'and France and was in the Rome, , jPisa and Bruyeras campaigns. He ( ! was employed by the Olaa Sugar Co. as a planiaUon laborer. j | WITH THB 106TH INFANTRY | jDAVXSION IN BAD EMS, GI3R- j I MANY: Pvt. David S. Ikawa, tion ' of Mrs. Sumie Tsubaki of 8 Pu- ! i kihae St, Hilo, is_a featured star i in the musical. show being staged by and for the men of Maj. Gen. Donald A. Stroh's battle-proven 106th (Lion) division. Pvt. Ikawa, a member of thc , I provjsional battalion, Is9th infan- | try regiment, is entertaining large j soldier audienccs eaeh week as ' the variety show makes the ' rounds of the division area. He is a talcnted muaieian and singer j and ukulele and singlng act is one of the hits of the ahow. i i i i ARMY HDQS., MIDFAC., FT. j ! SHAFTEE, T. H. — The army's 1 477th amphibian truck company, | comrnanded by"Lt. Godfrey Crac- ' kel, of Honolulu and Ī-lilo, T. H., ī has been awarded the Meritorious ] | Service Unit Plaque for superior j ! performancc of duty in the "Ryu- ■ kyus assault landings. Serving | , with the 77th infantry division, he landed wilii threp battalions of j howitzer artillery from LSTs dur-' ing two amphibious pperations. I The first operation waa aeeom--1 plished March 26 on Geruma Shima, despite rough seas, treacherous coral reefs and enemy suicide j craft. _ .1 The company also supported 77th division attacks on the island of Tokashiki and Menna Shinia j on April 16, and landed artillery I behind the initial jnfantry assault waves on Ie Shima. i Lt. Crackel. Punahou aeliool graduate whose wife now lives in Hilo was company motor officer | at the time of the operations, and recer.tly was appointed eom-' pany commander. The unit citation reads in part: "The company f materially eon-1 ! tributed to thē siiccessful eomplej tion o the division operation. Only j fine teamwork and outatanding devotion to (Juty by the entire j personnel "of the command made the accomplishment possible." I WITH THE 38TH DIVISION
ON LUZON—Heanng voice a ( few i t«el away, a. rt£te platton of ' the I 3Sth D<vision's 15lPt !nfantrv, in-1 ciudlng Pfc. Gilbert Tavares of Honomu, HawaH, T. H., surround-, «d ft «av« jn whieh was thrown I «lHte kill-!liia-ftve J&p aa they ru«hed out I wlth th«lr <slothes 'ln namee. | [ Tbe notse of the eharges brous;ht I i two Nip officers to | were £liminated by the wait-, i ing" Americans. Severa' hundred 1 j pounds of dynamite, 60 rifle and . laxge amounts of c<minsunication I wlre and equipment were captured. | ! Ptc. Tavares is tiie son of Mr. i | aod Mr& Jacinth Tavares of Ho-1 'npmu. ■ < A