Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XL, Number 5, 23 Mei 1945 — Kamehameha School News From Boys, Girls [ARTICLE]
Kamehameha School News From Boys, Girls
KAM PRF.I> LKI DAY i « CX>I)&T ' By Hytvla CariHe | Kamehameha Sol»ools' 'rolrbmlcd Mny Dsiy on Mnv īk. Queon j for the day was Elaim- Ah Mūj, ! with Elva Ann Ho, TjOUīsc Wer- ■ ner, §arah Kahopea and Moana ! EHston as her c.ttcridants. | John Hanoa, kindergarten. was the crown- bearer. Jolin CobbI Adams carried tho Tabu stick. ; Queen's kahili bcarers consisted |of Carl Vick«ry, Rich.ir<S Among, | Jcrry laea and WilUam Vlokery. j Hawali'» princofis wgu< Barbaryj J<*an Eiston. Kahill b<-!afers |£e7j Clyde Wong and Rrncft cjlnipi hell. Kennard Apaka wapatI tendant. ' f Maui's Oay Chan, with -Fu£derick Lnzarus and Donald wise as her kahili bcarers. Atten£arit was Leonanl 'Chow. I Priricess of Oahu was Cfirolyn ! Kaonohelani. Sanford Schutte and i Dante Carpc i ntei'- were h( r "kahili ! bearers, with Roaney Kalua as attendant, i Lona Tuck was 'prineess for Kauai. John Taylor and Harold Lyau were her kahili bearers. Her attendant was &amuel Foster. Luey Mahunalii was Molokai's princess. William Kēoho and EdWard Keliioka aoted as her kaIhili bearcrs and Francis Guerrero her attendant, Nīihan's princess was Leimomi Bowles. Clarence Hohn, Gilbcrt Ahlo and James Aea made up her f«urt. ErneAt Dias and Eli Nahulu were kahili bearers to Patricia Kapiko, Kahoolawe'a princess. Lionel Doyle wus her attcndant. Princess for Lanai was Wis- - Tol!efson. Audrey 31clteagiie Juniors Who began work at the eenior cottag:e of the Kainehameha SchfK)l for Girls, arc Anna i3agles, Harriet Eliis, Piikea Judd, Katherine Kekoolani and Phylis Ann Paelieeo. Beginnīng May 13 they stay at the cottege for two weeks and the Ēeniors will mou; down to the dormitories.' Tlie juniors sckctcd the timo and the gT(fups fōr next year at the cottage with the assistahce j o£ Miss Virgiiua Gentry, dietetica instructor 'md m:inager of senior i cottage. j Eaeh ycar the seniors are rei quircd to. spond five. wecks at the cottage. This course includes experiēnces in caring for a baby. caung for a hoine and prcparing meals according 1o a budget. As jtmiors the girlfa leam to do many oi these chores. D«Les at the senior cottage arc baby director, eook, diswasher, hostess ahd waitress. Ji:niors who will go to the cottage next year are divided into the following groups: Group two- -Fiances Ching, Ju•lia Stewa'rt, Lilinoe Pokipala, Berj niee Honda and Viola Lemon. i Group, thiee—Setty Yini, Syl'via ; Carlisle, Gc-raldine Robinson, Lorj na Beers and Robertawinn Apaka. j Group four—-Shirley J3irch, KeaJ oīani Paoa, Rose Akana, Elizabcth ' Beirne and Kuulei Kaai. | Group fiye—Haleakala Hopkins, j Patsy Kanalieie, Marjorie Milier, Nancy Aea and Audrey Mc- ' Keague. j , Freshm-an Velraa Halas was j elcctcd picsidt'i!l of Uie senior ■ Girl Roscrve club at tho Kaniohiimeha School for Girls for 1943|16. Vice-president is Betty Yim; jsecretary, Mayday Leong, freslitroas'urcr, Marvis* Chun, freshman; inter-council representative, Ramona Silva f €reshman; program and service chairman. j Ooiuia Ooieman, freshmj&n; publi(city and ring Dolly 1 Manley, freshman; and music | chairman, May Parker, fre3hman. , For;;.cr of the club were Roboccn Akana, *prosident; Holen ! Walker, Aliee Ignacio. Mar£lia j Feriiandcz„ D r u s 111 a MHeheli,: Patsy K.mahele, L ' Harrict. reihs. HaloakB];> Hopkins afid ] [ Betty Yim, juniors. Donna Colo-1 j man \vas the oiily ii-eahmaii. j ! : B.V Botty Yim I Eignth grad« o£ the Kawieha- \
meha School for Glrls reccntly 'HoUse\varmir.g '- n ea Partv" in the «ew eighth grS.de cottag**, whieli narted "Hale Hookipa," When tranjslated m«ans 'houae of welcom«." Shirley Lai, presldent of thft eighth grade, was general chalrm»n< Conc)»ee hēnded Uie girls on Uiv prej>aration oommittee. Marguerite Kaonohilan!. Ruth Katterrnan, Viola Galdeirr aod Esther Bell were directors ol the entertaanment, invitation, deconttion and reception eommit,tees, respectively. | The menu inclu<3ed canapes, | potato chips, eookies, tea aJld |punch. |,- Special guefita Toin[Uexter, Kdwin Murray, Gcorge |CoUino and John Clark. | Faeulty gutsts included Dr. i Pauline Frederlck, Mrs. Stella I Frederick, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur , MaUtes, Mrs. Marcella Galler.g-eo, Mrs. Katherine Barney, Wrs. Ethelyn Matson, Mrs. Ūla Shseeha, Mrs. Sara Henderson and the Misses Ruth Haney, Sally M-acGrogor, Dorothy Martin, Dorothy Allison, Antoinette Eardwell, Jgeatrice Mookini, Daisy Bell, lLaura E. Brown, Norma L. 01seji, j.Georgiii Hunter, Claire Chapiri jPhyllis Byrnes, Fr£Lnces Scotl | White and Virginia Gentry. The tea was under the direction o£ the Misses Sally MacGre gor, adviser and Ruth Haney. Reigning as queen .o£ the University of Hawaii May Day pageant was Marian of Kauai April 28, 4:30-6:30, in the Amph: Marian Lake, Kameha meha School for Girls graduate .'44, was dressed in orange as the princess of Oahu. Portia Yim graduate of KSG '43, was tfe< lady in waiting. By Julia Stewart Captains and lieutenants hav< been selected by Miss Sally Mae" Gregor, physical education instructor, to head the four eompanies whieh include the girl: of the Kamehameha schools whr participated in the fin-al KMTC drili on May 20, They are Helei | Walker, captam, and PĪikea Judd !lieutenant, Company A; Marjori< | Kanae and Anna Eagles, Com pany B; Josephine Enos and Mari jorie Miller, Comj:any C; Drusills !Mitchell and Haleakala Hopkins | Company D. The girls have beer pz-acticing in their physical education classes and on assigned afternoons. (Jjadys Goo and George Choy seniors at the Kamehamehe schools, were chosen valedictoriar and salutatorian respectively, tc deliver the addresses at the eommencenient exercises on May 21 in the school auditorium. Gladys and George were given this honoi because they are the seniors witli the highest scholastic rating. Ar average of the seniors' gradeī during the last four years of school is taken at the school foi girls while an average over tht period of the students' entir€ (course at Kamehameha is taken |at the school for boys. | Miss Goo has been dependable ! and serious throughout her year= jat Kamehameha. She became a i member of the National Honor | Society at the latter part of her I junior year. George is a memher jof the National Honor Society i and the Quill and Scroll. He has ! taken an active part in dramatics j by performing' in school plays. Inj terested in art, George has beea j in charge of decorations for many j school functions. He is now eomj pleting a noved ,of Hawaii entitled j "No Greener Hiaven." j Mrs. Louise MeurloJtt '25, was | i-e-elected presi<3ent of the KameI hameha School for Girls* Alumni : associationV Jor the school yfcar j 1945-16 at the last meeting. Other : officers elec.ted. at that time frc i Mrs. Ellen Kahanu, '35, \iceJpresident; Mrs, Kaaha Medelrō3 j'3o, secretary; Daisy Bcll '12, ;treasurer. The alumni wero honored by a dinner given by tlie girls aftor j whieli tlie business tneeting' fo!lo\ved. Variovis oommittiV chalri men gave theiy reports, A mei uioiial service t was lield brforo dinner for M3ss Maude E. Schaeffer, former priiwipakijf the schoo! for on April IS,