Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XL, Number 2, 2 Mei 1945 — News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha School [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha School

Bott,y "I want tq be ready, I to be ready—" This song and many others are | in the repertoire of the boys* antT girls' Senior Glee clubs of Ihe Kamehameha Schools where the; annual vocal concert was held on Sunday, April 29, at 3 o'eloek. The Glee club for girls ls under the direetion 0f Miss Laura E. BroWn, muslc instrūctor. Islrecting the boys is Mr. William Selvers, muaie and bajid instru'ctor.

Part of the program consisted of "Lift Thine Eyes, n by Logan; '0 Yellow Moon," Carter; "Listen to Uxe Mocking Bīrd," arrangcd by Hawthorne; 'The Deserts Song of Peaee," by 01ds! and "Just a Memory."

Hawaiian songs madc up the second part. They are "Ulili E,"