Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XL, Number 1, 25 April 1945 — News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha School [ARTICLE]

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News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha School


Captain Kaipo F. Kauka, gra<l- - of Kamehameha School for |Boys stationed with the army in |.the Pacific theater, has been promoted to the rank of Major.

Major Kauka was stationed on Oahu when he enlisted in the army after the blitz. Later was transferred to the Philippinea Where he met "William Anahu, a graduiate and former classmato of his who waa recently kllled ia a Iplane over Manlla.

The cadet eame to Kamehameha as a sophomore in 1932, and during hls time here, he was also j a member of the Quill and ScroH, ■National Honor society and a noncommissioned officer Ih the "EOTC. Kauka also received honor pin awards and participāted lri track and footbāll and wafe a member of the rifle and swimming, teams. After leaving Ramehameha Kaipo attend the TJniversity of Hawaii before entering the army. He is the son of Mrs. Akiona Kauka of 2542 Kaneloa Road, Honolulu. Mrs. Sarah H.

Kauka, wif<s of the major, is residb}g with his mother. Major Kauka'a' brother, Prederick Kauka, ia a" senior at KSB.

Benjamni4 Kauahikaua KSB

'44, is taking his basic army training in Camp Robinson, Arkan»as. John R. Desha 111 KSB '41, "and his brother Stephen Jr. are now in Europe.

Alvin Shim KSB '41, writes from Yuma, Ari?ona, where he ia attending an aviation schooJ.

Lieutenant-Coi. John Simerson '27, is directing the training of Kajnehameha.*s newest Fighting Warriors at Schofield. Among them are KS6 '45 Henry Mills, anffWilliam Gaspar. Class of '41 Alexander Thoene and WīlUam Puniwai and class of '41 John K, Kaima.


Threē Ciarke> English award prizes were given to William Kaui, David Amina, and Patrick Gandall for the improvement of their English during this school year. The award, whieh amounts to ?10 for eaeh boy, is sponsored by Mr. John K. Clarke, member of the board of trustees of. the Blshop Estate. It requires that the winner use good English or show a decided impr9vement i!n his epeeeh. KAMEHAMEIIA'S ORATORICAL CONTEST WINNERS

Winnera of the Kamehamelia «- - ♦"-gecond alurrijji oratorical "vere ' -Milwanie Cooper <*ni. »> Kanahele, representing the t .nool for giyls, and James Wong Jr. and Edgar" Bell, representing the school, for boyg.

Milwarde, a sēnior, d'aughter"of Mr. and -Mrs. Henry OoopeP of Honolulu, and, Patsy, a junior, daughter of Mr. ānd Mrs. Francis Kanahele of Honolulu, tied for first plaee.

| James JWong Jr., son of Mr. iand Mrs."James K. Wong of Ho- ! nolulu, won the boys' first prize ;of a $25 war bond. Edgar Beīl, |aon of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur John, Michelmore of Honoluhi, won the second prize of $10 in war stamps.

Other contestants Wer€ Martha Fernandez, Joy Wong, Henry Jay and Clefghtor Beamer.

During th.e intermission Mr. Samuel Toomey sang "Kamehameha Waltz,' accompanied by Mrs. Martha Hohu, piamst

Musical selections were als) presented by members of the alumnl 6sso<?iation,

\ Master of ceremonies was Gus Sproat, winner of Kamehameha*s nrst oratori<tal contest, assisted by Supervisor MiUon D. Beamer. p«Ms4ent of ths alumni assoriaUon.

M*S, Fro\vo. Dr, Robert N. Clopton, Dr. John TS. Reinecke, Mrs. Mrytle Kaopu, Mr. Lortng Q. Hudson and Lt. G®org<e W. Trauger were tJu> Judg«s.

Thd coutfstants were on presentation, appeai\Tinot\ memory, pronoui\ciAtion am? <?nounand 13» type of topU\


i Barry Ontai, Kaniehaiv.cha's! |tage was sel*cted on the star M team on the Avlvortiser iaad Star*Bulletin cast

as the fastost piard !n the leajfut> and also a niast?r hal? hawk, Barry tnorlt<s3 a h<-rth j%t th« suard poaiUon. Ontai uns a «vnstant $<rorir,£ thrMt with hU <mtsS<W «hots aml thc th : \t led the> Wsrriors tho whoh'- s<w »«. He talli«d 55 digits to pla<x>

[Aimself "f(njrth among the high j jSoorers of Vhe lea.gue. Barry was |also Ihe cn]y play«r to ropeat hia i>ositioii on the ajl-£ita|r cast from wst years' selection." Other selections of the all-star oast for first strtug are Sainu Louia' Geyrge Ke and Daxnien lioehu for perthfs at the forwarU and center positions, respectively. Georg« Ke's running mate Teruo Abe of Mid-Paeific Institut>e who hati no opposition in securing the other fprward posiUon, The Kaimuki "Bulldogs" l>oasted their Pat Kauanui as the «Uier steiiar guard. Johh Holi oi' Farrington me|ited a spot on U»e first Ume as utility nian.


By Williaau Kaui Hui Mox emerged as wioner of the inter-hui track flneet held at the Kameliaaneha Sch oc >l for Boya with a total of 81% points. H«i Imua, Moi's »earest coinpeUtor, captured 47 points folloWed by Huis Alii and Eieu ,with 35 aiul pomts respectively. Hui Moi the meet by. capturing 10 first places, six _setonds, five tliir(ls and nim fourUis f m Uie 17 events scheduled. Wmners of the inter-hui track events in the order that they placed: , Junior Divigiom ResulU» (£ighth i«id Ninth Graders) 50-yard dash—M. Turner, AiiīT E. Manley, Moi; Sam Seto, Moi; and Slyde Isaacs, Moi." 150-yard dash—M, Turner, Alii; Sam Seto, Moi; E. Manley, Moi, and G. Sniffen, Mpi. ... BSO-yard run—S. Monley, Moi; G. Honda, Eleu; M. Crabbe, Alii; and E. Kaupiko, Eieu. Low hurdles (100 yards) — E. Manley, Moi; K, Akana, Imua; G. Leialoha, Alii; and E. Kaupiko, Eleu. High jump—R. Fernandez, Moi; E. Hooper, G, Honda of Eieu and G. Smffqn of Moi Ueel for third. Broad jump—D. Young, Alii; Sam Seto, Moi; G. Honda, Eleu, and E. Manley, Moi.

Shot-put—G. Sntffeu, H. Whi tf orA Henrickson, Imua; and C. Isaacs, Moi..

i3enior Divūiofa Kesults (Tenth, JEleventh and Twelfth t*ra<lerB) T5-yard dash—-W. Kaui, Moi; l>. ' .Pila, Imua; W. Barrett, Moi: and H. Jay, Moi. 1.80-yard dash—W. Kaui, Moi; L. Wong of Imua ,and D. Pila of Imua tied for second plaee; E. Kellett, Eleu.

440-yard run—R. Monte, Moi; E. p]uinley, Imua; A. Seto. Eleu; and P. Eagles, Alii.

100-yara low hurdles—A. Bartels, Moi; J. Flores of Imua tied for second plaee, and E. Crabbe, Imua.

880-yard run—W'. Barrett, Moi; W. Miller, Eleu; R. Duvauchelle, Moi; -and J. Freeman, Moi.

1,320-yard run — J. Flores. Imua; T, H. Coung, Imua; E. Ching, Alii; and W. MiUe^Ele^

High jump—R. Monte, of Moi and D. Pila of Imua tied for first plaee; tied for third plaee, W. Huddy of Alii and W. Barrett of -MoL . _ - , v . _ . Board jump—B t Ontai, Imua; H. Jay, Moi; H. Keliiaaa, Imua; and IW. Lurbe, Imua. Pole-vault—B. Ontai, Imua; J. Noa, Moi, G. Brooks, Imua; and C, W«j:ner. Moi. Shot-put—W. Duvauchelle, Alii; V. Funn, Alu; Lurbe, Imua; and J. Freeman, Moi. Winners of the fa; man*s spe<nalty (100-yard dash) was Willia»C Ohai. Eleu; Edvvard Wilmington, Alii; William Opnlauoho; Alii; and Elnier Chu. Moi. : _ . AFf&EXXICESIIir EXAMIXATIONS By William Ilaina . Any t»y in iaehool botwe'en 16 and 22 years: of a£T is" elīgible, \vith- the eon-1 -of hi» parents, to tāke ap- j pretic«ship axaminaUons earlv j Apnl. 1 1 "i

A g«neral examtnatiol\ v Vov£ring ail ti\ides and desisn<?d for general &nd jnecl)&incal apttt\id<> ■will takē ahout 'tJ«vc *jvnd a hnH hours. Pn>hl<»ms 'in artthmotio, an<i q\w«ticns Sn $imj>te ph\*sieat meohiMeal maehine and 'oonimon tools N* tnct\K!«Ht Alsvv wili bo a tcst oovcring ihe 3sso.mhty of plans art«F gvonit?tnral fig\iros and otht»r flgrvire ~proWi?"ms.

Thts emuminalieln 5? giv£n to f«ll the vacajtcies at U 5. Naw HAĪ>, armj* posts >»nd sser!*it* eomm&iHl at army j>osts an<t trw»strwtk>n ser\ic«? und<?r VSICT> at basc yards, 1

[ Ap|M*ntic<>ship tirsin ? -ng atT*< K atl oonslsts of s.lvop *«£ sehoo! hoxirs whiei ;vuvy W- 00-m r>Vt<sl in 2T Flfty ivr v vf £r*»ttn.£ anj

promotions of 15 cents per hour for every 1250 hours" of satlsfactory .«hop and school prdgress is the salary offered. When iaking apprentlceshlp tralning boys wllo have completed training in the KSB vocational coursc %vill receive credit. A trial perlod during the v first six months is given after whieh an apprentice may be assigned to some other trade if he fails to show promise of ability to do the work.

By Betty Yim

Announcement of the engagement of Louise Kaiwi to Mr, Chariie Collie Souza, Jr, has been made hy the bride-elect's parent.3. The matrimomal vows will be, ex - changed on the afternoon of April 26, 4; 30, at the St. Therosa church of Honolulu.

Miss Rhoda Ann Holt of the Hawaiian Trust company, will be the bride-elect's cxāy attendant. Mr. William. Azevedo will act as best man.

A receptlon will be held at Drier Manor after the wedding

Miss Kaiwi is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kaiwi of Honolulut She is a graduate of the Kamehameha School for Girls, class of '43, and is employed as a secretary at the Mutual Tele- \ phone Union. Mr. ; Souza is the son of Mr. I Charles Collie Souza, ' Sr., formerly of Maui. He is a graduate of McKinley High school class of '36, and was a well known figure in athletics. At present he is employed. as an installer for the Mutual Telephone company. The yoimg people will spend their honeymoon at their country home, Kailua. , Commemorating their tenth anniversary year of graduation, the class of '35 of the Schools will hold reunion laau on June 2 at the home of Folinga Faufata, 315§ Kaunava street, Honolulu. Thirty members of the cl-ass of '35 recently met at Mr. Faufata's home to plan this luau reunion. This celebrity is to include the wives, husbands and children of the '35 graduates. Co-cha.irmen of the. luau eommittee will be Mr. Folinga Faufata and Mrs. Ellen Stewart Ka-" hanu. Mr. Samuel Kamakau will furnish the entertainment. Heading the invitatftm committee will be Mr. Alonzo Hutchinson and Mrs. Beatrice Cockett. Mr. Donald Mitchell, faculty at the school for boys, was the adviser of the class of '35. v

By liorna Beers New members of the Kamehameha Chapters of the National Honor society have been chosen by the KSB end KSG faculty councils and the induction ceremotiy wiU be he!d m the school auditorium on May 6.

Seiccted this year as members of the chapter from KSG are Julia Ste\vart and Patsy Kanahele, Juniors; and Mona Kahaand Martha Femandez, seniors. Joshua Akana, Fletcher Aleong, Edgar Bell and William Kauai, juniora; and David Foutaine and Thomas Kekaula, senorSj. are the boys chosen' to be members. The two ppobationary members from the sophomore class are Williain Bell and Henry Bosh'ard,

r Members of the faculty eounell at KSB who chose the mejiibcrs are Mr. Charles T. Parrsnt, Mr. Donald D, Mitchell, Mr. Allen A. Bailey and Mr. William.B. Caldwell. Afi members of the faculty &t KSG chose the girls to be members.

To become a member of the National Honor society all eandidates must have attend*d Kamehameha for a year ahd must be members of the junior or senior classes. The student must be in the upper third of the class in scholarship, The proposed «aemb«gK are judgiq|-on leadership, character KSr> sqphonipres prcbamembers and niust me«t the san\e qualificstions as a fult i nidmb^r.

I The objevtiviNs oC N«uomU H<MK\r sociiKy arv ito cjrc«t« <ui c.ntK\is.;iAsn\ fo»r «ehoto stin\ulatv h des.ire to a*rvio«», to proniote wv>rthy | b»d«irs}\i.i? «uui to Uv<? }4*v«iopm6nt . ch*a*cv*r Jn thc j«tu4*"ats stten<iing |School&. I A; li j»«mber^ .in th« Nat;or,Al Honor $oci<sts |wiio &rv lrt schooi, They are ,Gladys Ckv\ Rayrcond Aea, Choy, WillUni §ts\&n&rt* |R&r.dolph H*nrv t*hav, ;H«*r£ KOU;AA, līor.TA Ro£crs 4 A*-:K-rt Tho«\fts £00 C*arl Thocne~ who a tast J»ar, hA$ <vvr. tr. fh* $ohoo*. $o *s stlT! s ptv^tkv;ATV !Yit: xyntVs- - "*