Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIX, Number 52, 18 ʻApelila 1945 — News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha School [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha School

By Audrey McKeafoe Juniors of the Kamehameha School for girls entertatned girTs from the other Honolulu high schools on Thursday, March 20." The vtattors were taken on a tour of the eampua to eee the dormifcories, clasarooms and playfields.

Haleakala" Hopkina was heād hostes». As dtrector of tlre decoration committee, Patsy Kanahele had as her assistants Betty Yim and Julia Stewart. Assisting Harrfet Ellia, chairman of the food committee, were Marjorie Miller and Anna Eagles.

i Pranees Ching planned the tertalnment with Blrnice Hond't as her assistant, Katherine Kekoolani directed the whole class with the cleaning-up. Chalrman Phyllis Ann Paeheeo took care of the invitations with the aid of Lorna Beers.

Guests and their partners for! «w party were as follows: Patsy Kanahele, "Peggy Fernandez, Betty Yim, 3rene Siu; Julia Stewart, Aliee Aral; Harriet Elli», Florenee Clarke; Marjorie Miller, Beverly Riley; Anna Eileen Kauhane; Francēs Ching, Patricla Perry, Bernice Honda, Geneva Walker? Phyllis Ann Paeheeo, Lorraine Chang; Katherine Kekoolani, Shirley Burge; Lorna Beers, Barbara Chang; and Haleakala Hopkina, Chariotte John»on.... . . Senior of tlre Kamehamēha -School for Girls, recently gave a Mother-Daughter banquet.

The purpose >of this dinner was to enahle mcmbcrs, mothers, and daughters become better acquainted. This is the second year that a senior class has given eueh a dinner.

For decorations an Easter Parade theme was carried out tinder the dlrection of Betty Ellis. Carmen Juarez was th€ chairman of the invitation committee. :Under her guidance was Barbara Kekauoha, Haleakala Waiau, Robecca Akana, , Gladys Goo and Irene Loo. In charge of the entertainment was Helen Walker. Josephine Enos was in charge of the menu and the seating list.

The menu conslsted of fresh fruit cocktail, ehieken, glazed sweet potatoes, peas and carrots, celery and olives, rolls, pumpkin chiffon pie, milk and coffee. Later, entertainment was given at the senior cottage.

| By Betty Yim ' ; The marriage of Miss Rosemary Chalmers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Chalmers of Hana, Maui, to Mr. William O. Bruce, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. i Oscar Bruce of Kansas City, Kansas has been announced by the bride's parents. Miss Chalmers was formerly a student of the Kamehameha School for Qirls, class of '43 and is employed by the Army at Fort Shafter. Mr. Bruce has been in the navy four years and took part in the invasion of Leyte.

i Katherine Kekoolani of Honokaa, Hawaii has been crowned the ehampion of the table tennis toxirnament at' KSG. The declding game was played between Nellie K. Stewart and Katherine, who won three games out of five. The winner is ft member of the junior clpss.

By JUtta Steu-art Juiiiors of the Kamehameha t Sehool f&r Girls have prepared and preseinted a sktt <?«titkd "Pop Takes Over" to those parents aorsd ahimnae meml>ers attendtng tho PTA ApHl 6 ln the #choo! &Bsembly hall. Thc progranv" \vas un<ter th<> ~oF 1&W "Franooā Soott ! WTilto, the schoot nvirso and tn!stmctor in thf class trainlng for ! pjirovthood. I Father, who yery ofton ls tv>ri £otten durki£ yie preparat!on of. ; PArcntiiood, wa4 thc outstAnding ! charactcr, Ho\v ijnportAnt ho U | and how lUU9II lie eaii do to ! iielp mother aajd bi' A pnfparvvt. i p&rent-to-be, \va|s slvo\vtv. TT;e |»ro- ! |j£ress of sck-nco \v?us- om-, in \\ltlf the ( |prvparaUca &nd, cai\ v of th#n\o- ( [ther €u;d ui£aiit I ' i i

fhe bafii and diapering of a baby demonstrated on Pu'alemi, the scl»ool doll, by one of tlic fathers.

The scjript comniittee included Ro'9e AJtana, , Beruice Julia Stewart, Nancy Aea,Kanahele and Shirley Bl ? ch. Program chairman Audrey Mc-_ |>Keftgue» _ introduced the scenes jand characters. The prompter i was Patsy Kanahele while the di,rectors were Rose Ak;ana and Shīrley Birch.

Pjhyllis - Ann Paeheeo, chairtna&; Betty Yim, Viola Lemon, li«rriet SUis and Sylvia Carllslo coo»titute the scrip committee, The property committee eonsisted o£ Piikea Judd, chairman; I Rob«rtawinn Apaka, Anna Eagles, MiUer, Frances Cidng, Harriette Hurley, Lorna Beers ijLnd Kaai.

Audrey McKeskgue, chairmun; Lilinoe Pokipala, Elizabeth Btirjoe, Geraldine Rohinson and Keaolani Paoa made up the stage crew. .

By Harriet ElUs Members of the Library Club presented a skit before both ' schaols, based on the proper use ot the library. It was given on Aprii 13 for boys and will be given on Aprii 27 for the girls d«ring assembly time in the Administration building. Students who wrote this skit are Jamea Wong, chairman; -Milton Wong, Arthur Rath, Mayday Leong, Gladys Chambers and Esther Bell.

* By Sylvia Carlisle >vßanceford Shea, baby .at the senior cottage at the Kamehameha School for Girls was greeted with colored EJaster eggs on Sunday, Apiil 1. The Easter Bunny had eome early that morning and given the eggs to Ranceford and his senior m , others, Milwarde Cooper, Rebecca Akana, Vernadetta Amoka, Marcella KaOpua and Barbara Kekauoha.

At present, Ranceford, or Kauinohea, is eight months old. His only physical change is the arrival of two teeth, wi£h more coming up. The only word he ean say is "Da-da."

. Senior lassies at KSG senior cottage will be gathering guavas for jelly and juice in the near future. The gu-avas are located on the road leading to the school's campus, on the eampua and in the ltflls b&< k of the formcr Kamehameha SciiOvl for Girls.

Surprise party was given for Vernadetta Amoka, member of the Ctass of '45 at the Kamehameha School for Girls on Tuesday, April 3.

Marcella Kaopua, Barbara Kekauoha, Rebecca Cooper and Miss Virginia Gentry were responsible for the affair. Vernadetta's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Soon, "ānd little broOter Budgie were among the surprises of the party. The menu consisted of laulau, lomi salmon, cocoanut eake, limu, kukui nut, sweet potato, pineapple, fruit juice and poi.

April 21, marks the eighteenth annual Hoolaulea festival at the Kamehameha Schools. This is the first time in four years that HoollWlea program has been planned.

Mrs. Louiae Meurlott, Mr. Jphn Desha, Mr. Clinton Kanahele, Mrs. Dorothy Chong, Mr. George Kahoiwai, Mr. Wiliiam Caldweli and other officers of the Alumnae, Alumni and Parent-Teachers associations will seli the supper tickets. The price is one doliar.

Transportation will be provided by the Kamehameha School £or those people needing it School bus§es wiil run from tlie corner of King and Houghtailing streets to the eampua, stai'tin£ 1:30 p. m. contiftuing &t iifteeu xuinute intervals. Following a schedule of Uie activitie» of the afternoon and evexiing. 2;00-4:00 p. «i.-vAcad(fc»iic Exiiibits an4 open house at the School for Girlg Scliogl for Boys — ciassi\H}ms and dornutories, 2:00 p. m.—Exlubitk>ti £&mcs by thc lower School £or Girls ou the Auditori\un lower play fieid. 3:00-4:80 p, m. Yoc&Uoiu&l exhß>lts an\i dcmv>UBtxatious at Uie tecl\ool for Boys makai v>£ ilhe «ehool eam£us. "4:00 p. — 1 Alumnao versus scīiool for ' ; students. 5:15-6:50 p, scr\ed on the fiold. • 6:80 p. m.—Lrcnverin£ of the field. ?:00-S:W r . m. -Concert by Uie Scluvl for by Uio C'.cc. Chrt\. in the K&meh&;uelv& &uditorhim. 1

By Haleakala Hopkina . Martha Fe£nandez,, halew.ai, ,seniors; and Patsy KaStewart sgti(i Haiea-_ |kala Hopiuna, juaiors, wiU repre«>cttt Kaiueiiazjieiia schqola. in aa essay coutesl; sponMjfe<J bv thc HonpluAu Ciub. r Thu sub4ect 13 "THE LEGI§L'ATU KIO AND HOW IT . FUNCjTIONS."

Speciai dates been set for eaeh aehool to visit t£e legislature. The essay will be based principally up oa observations made and knowledge acquired by ! attendance at. the legi^lature.

The purpose o£ the cōntest is to promoto better citizenship among iuture voters and to acquaint tliem with the manner in whieii our terntory's law are enacted. The rules for the contest are: 1. Eaeh contestant shall at-1 tend the sessions of the Legisla,ture on the dates designated frpni ,10 o'eloek A. M. to 12 o'eloek noon. 2. iiaeh student will attend two sessions of the House and tWO session of the Senate. Any further- attendance is optional. 3. Essays shall be not more than 1500 words and shall be typed or written legibly in ink.

4. All essays shall be eompleted and delivered to the eontestants' school principal not later than Tuesday noon on May 1, 1945.

-5. ' Pages of eaeh essay ,are to be numbered at the bottom and utapled together.

6. The name of th§ contestant or his school shall not appear on any part of the essay, but shall be wiritten on an additional sheet of paper, whieh shall be stapled to the other pages of the essay.

Essays will be judged on organization of material, conciseuess of thought, comprehensiveness and analysis of subject matter, clarity of expression, eonstruction, graramar, and neatness. «- - Prizes for the winners are as follows: First Prize—s7s.oo War Savings Bond; Second Prize —$50.00 War Savings Bond; TJhird Prize — $25.00 War Savings Bond; Fourth throught Prize —55.00 eaeh in cash.