Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIX, Number 49, 28 Malaki 1945 — In The News [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

In The News

lArmy Chapiain Activities Lnited States A.n3iy chaplains assigned to thc Ninth Serviee Oommaad and els«where tiux)ughout the world during August eonducted 146,053 reltg!ous s£rvices l»fore a coUecUve attendance of a,048,97«) persons," reports Col. J. L - Blakeney. NSC ehaplain. The j statistics inelude ehaplain aeUvii at posts, eani|>s, and stations ! ?n the eommaml, where £.S6T service« he!vl -with &n atterdanee of 116,135. inaividuals. Negroes In Servtc« Th.Mv ;ire appn)ximately 750.000 coloi-ed sol<Jlers iii the a:med forc«3 ot the l*nited St«tes, decS;ws Th o Watchmau ExatGiner, sad half of thcm asv scrvins ov«r--seas ijft forv»ard o[ ltocket ""WHh the Kavy $\<W, WO.OO a «»onth on roekots, the

, Army as*tng for au awTttpri&':on of ror aad milV:ons bein& sp«it m <i<?veloi>nont vvf vropnl*ior; nx£?nes aad .'.trplar.os, wo o*o v.<> lo<& upon roclvOt powor a vlre4.nl ot \x i.< >1s *u s-nosV 0 Fvl\v;v,d TVj\dr&i t.vntly In s to tlie \motioAQ ot Tkvnk lEr, 4iat?«rs. Koep your fo*rs u> jou tvit *hare y t vvu «Uh otti m T\oWrt \»oate