Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIX, Number 49, 28 Malaki 1945 — News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha School [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha School

auzq „ , Ilār»l4 ] Pive a4<iitional and ono, di_esel cngiiics have been recclvetl : by Uie ,auto aliop, These enjginos are bein& īoaneei to the Kamelia - meiia §cliool for ys fpr etSuca,tional purposes by the U. S. Army engine<;rs_.llie boys in the shop are as§embling the , jn«tors ou §tand§ and are putting: tbem to good uae as test engines. . A Jvge exhaust system i$ being installed in the auto shop by Ue boya ujider Uie leadersliip of lustructor Jack Doolitt\e, The new eagm.es and several of tlie pld onea will be connected to the [exhaust eystem whieh will have |-«n outīet outside of the shop.

CON'A'EbI WINNEKS By £letcher Aleong Entering their seventh an& last song contest as heavy favorites, the seflior class of KSB. triumphed again by wining their sixth consecutive annual spng iest Sunday, March. 4 with 176 points, e —