Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIX, Number 48, 21 March 1945 — News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha School [ARTICLE]
News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha School
WANO RECITAL By Sylvla Car)lste Plano bo!os, dueta' and vocnl solos were presented by students at the Kamehameha School£ March 7. It waa the third recital held in this school .year, 1944-45. An- . nouncer for this affair was Martha Fernandez, senior. Selections on the program were as followsi 1. Duet: Mazurka E. Nevin Phyllis Ann Paeheeo and Keaolani Paoa "2. Idylio , Theodore t»ac,k Piikea Judd 3. Holiday for Strings David Rose Sylvia Carlisle 4. Song: Baby's Boat J. Gaynore Julie Beth Perkins an% Cecilia Pomroy 5. Malaguena ....* Lee uona Sylvia Carlisle and Keaolani Paoa 6. Hungarian I>ance ....... Poldir.i Edward Young 7. Warrior Song .. Stephen Heilcr Bernice Honda 8." Songs: The Night- has a Thousand Eyes A. Foote The Water Lily A. Foote Elizabeth Beime 9. Whims Schumann Phyllis Ann Paeheeo 10. Duet: Norwegian Dance Edward Young and Edwin Beamer
HUI lIOLOMUA PAIiTY j Hui Holom/ua, or senior forum club at the Kamehameha School for Girls, will held its annual party March 24 at Waialae, Oahu. Boya from the Kamehameha schools were invited by the lassies of the KSG forum club. Entevtainment chairman was Marjoric Miller with J>acqueline Booth anrt Lorraine Kaina as her assistants. Invitations were headed l?y Mona Kahalewai. Slyvia Carlisle and Nancy Aea assisted her. : Haleakala Waiau was the chairman of the food i;ommittee. Mai 1 - eella Kaopua, Irene Loo, Joy Wong, Loma Beers and Phyllis Ann Paeheeo were her helpers. i Mrs. Ula B. Sheecha, is the club's [advisor.
Julia Stewarc, junior, and Lorraine Kaina, ,sophomore, havs been, presented the Clarke English Award at ,t h e Kamehameha School for Girls.
The ten-dollar award is givon to five girls eaeh year who, aecording to the faculty, have used eorrect English in the dining hall, on the playfield, in the dormitory, or to girls who hatf£sshown a marked improvement in their English.
Julia Stewart is the sixth person to receive th% award in the class of '46. The otners are Patsy Kanahele, Lorna Beers, Bernice Honda, Elizabetli Beirne and Haleokala Hopkins.
Lorraine Kaina is the first g'irl tp have heen awarded the prize in her class.
EIOLOei' CLUB ACTIVIXIK!S By Kaui Tenth grade biologist at thc Kamehameha School for Boys are working on projects in their newIy org>anized c!ūbs under the supervision of Mr. Donald Mitchell, instructor.
Excursions to the Bisliop Museum, Poster garden, former KSG gardens and the present KSB campus have been made. Visits to the Kapiolani park and zoo will be made. Cleighton Beamer was olected president in the A and B sectic.>ns, "MitchelVs Maraudcrs;" while George Brooks is tho leader of "Hui Iml la." Class activities inehulo the of vitamln and mevlseal scrap books, cartoon drawin4js and reports on articles secured from the S(lence News I-etter and other seientlfio magasines. Student experts on f!sh, who are maantalning balanced ae- ' quariums, inelude James Chris--1 tian, James Noa and Williani Ouye; while Edward Ho, Lehman Henry and Samuel Kaawa-. loa have seWted to be authorl-' ties on eampus plants. TTenry Ko- j shar\i is mierosoope
whik Rucsy lInU is tho hortifMlturiat. ■ 'I think tho biologist club will be. a great aueeeaa f»d belterithan during the previous year," otated Donald MitchelJ. - DRGSS PAjaAX>E Recently the Kamehameha proviaional battalion has| been organized into a regiment of thi-oe battalions. Companies A, B, C and D comprise the First Battalion. The Second Battalion is composed of Companies E and F. Companies G and H make up thc Third Battalion. Majors Thomas KeKaula, Wiliiam Stewart and Arthur Fitasimmons are regimental cadet officers.
The second lwmal dress parade waa held Sunday, February 25, at the Mawaena field. Brig. Gren. Wayne C. Smith was, the invited reviewing officeri
€OMi'ANY COMMANDERS SEJLECT SPONSORS Girls sponsors for the Kamehameha provisional battalion have been selected by the bāttalion command«rs at the Kamehameha School for Boys, They are choscn from the schooi i'or girls and will ] participate in the ,monthly dress parades -and at the final review held at the end of the school year. , 1 Selected as sponsors, according to the respectiv:e eompaniea are Rpwena Vieira, staff; Vernadette Amoka,- Company A; Keaolani Paoa, B; Viola LeEfi-an, C; Lilinoe Pokipala, D; Pilialoha Hopkins, E; Gladys Goō, F; Audrey McKeague, G; and Hannah Wiil, Company H.
Conimanders of the battalion include Henry Chai, band; John Agard, Cpmpany A; Walter Miller, B; Nani Cox, C; Barry Ontai, P; Philip Eagles, E; Henry Mills, F; Peter Perkins, G; and Carl Thoene, Company H.
ART ACTIVITIES Six seniors, eight juniors, three sophomor.es and 65 eighth graders compose thc art classes at the Kamell&meha School for Boys under th e tutorship of Miss Gladys Swantner. Seniors, juniors and sophomores have tneir art classes during the evening, working in leathercraft, still life drawing, clay modelīng, stenciling on cloth 4nd oil painting. ;
The eighth graders are working on color wheels, color schemes for interiors, designs for wall paper, linoleum and textiles.
This class will leam techniques in peneil, charcoal, water color anel pastel drawing after the unit on color ia completed. Leathercraft tray making, linoleum block printing and clay making are future plans. "'I think the art classes are progressiug rapidiy an£ show great determination to learn," slated Miss Swantner.
BASEBAJLL TU»NOUT By William Ghai Kamehameha's baseball team, eoaehea by Alvin K. Chang, will enter the junior interscholastic league this year T along with several other loeal high schools.
Players returning from last year include WilUam 'Slug" Stewart and Walter Loo, seniors; Albert McGum and Bernard Wiiiiams, juniors; and sophomore Horace Kanno.
Other boys who , have turned out for initial practices are Arihur Fitzsūnmons, senior; juniors, | Thomas Wong, Clarence Chow, j Abraham Cockett, Ahoi Simeona, | and Joseph Chong; Patrick Brulm, | Henry Bosiiard, Alva Kamelaiu, |R(>bert Levy, Arthur HorsvvQl, | Huaolph Andrade, Georg-e Crabbe I W«Uace Lee, George Lemon, Mer- | iyn Ferreira» WiUiam Vida, Louis lApo and lsaag A4ams, sophoi«ores; APthur Whittighton, Oscar Oempster, Thomw Kalili and S\vmt»n Aldricli, £resluuen.
Boys turnlng out for maaager How&rd Martinsen. Lowell iium, Kainoa Akana aiid Eimo Clung.