Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIX, Number 45, 28 February 1945 — News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha School [ARTICLE]

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News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha School

MRS. BARNES v By Lowell Deerlng Mrs. Homcr Francis Barnes who has been presenting her program oi; Hawaii from coast to coast, appeared on the February of the Los Angeles Pen Woman to be featured with Dorthy Thompson, noted woman columnist. A former teacher of social scicncc at thc Kamehameha School for Boys, Mrs. Barnes is the wife of Dr. Homer F, Barnes pnnei-pal-in-charge of Kamehameha.

Mrs. Barnes author, inventor, dramatist, leeturer and former president of the League of Amenean Pen Women, Honolulu Branch, has been present!ng a lecturerecital in costume of Hawaii, entitled "Before and After Pearl Harbor" in whieh she portrays Hawaii's past and present "as well. DresSed in a holoku she danc«3 hul'as chanting the Hawaiiaii words and then snterpreting in English. Mrs. Barnes recreated the atmosphere of the islands. BOY'S SONG CONTEST Kamehameha School for Boys will prescnt its 24 annual ,song contest on March 4 at the school audītorīum with the eighth and ninth graders competing in the junior division and the tenth, eleventh and twelfth grade boys in the senior division, "

The eighth graders h>ave as their <hoicc Song "Beautiful Kahana" an<J the nlnth gra<3ers ehoiee is "Ka Anoi." The jumors have selected "Wai Lana" and the tenth grade boys a medtey of "Kuu Lei Pikake," "Lei Awapuhi" and "Roselani." A medley of *Na Lei O Hawaii" and "Aloha Oe" is the seniors ehoiee. For the senior dlvision the pri?e song is ''Puu Waa Waa" and for the junior division "Malanae Anu Ka Makani."

The classes will be judged for pitch aud cnunciation of words, blend, attach and release, pronounciation, phrasing and interpretation and general effective--1 ness. Judges also rate the classes on- the approprlateness of songs. Winners oi the junior division will be presented the Richard Trent eup whieh was first awarded in 1927. The senior divisucm will compete for the George Alanson Andrews eup, whieh was given by the Athletic associati(>n of Kamehameha in 1921. SXLVCR HN AWAKDS m Abrahftiu K. CooJtett Silvcr pins \voro awartled at a reoent assembly n\<?eth\g to 23 students at K!SB by Charles T. Parmit, principal-in-charge Students who aro In tlve upper, 15 per cent oJr thelr cīasses rejceive sitver ptns. Wimiers in Uio cl£hth &radc were Marvin FVrnnra. OonaUi Yamada, Lestor and GU-

fcert Hoiwlik Fr*?shm«n winn<rs weni Stwntey Lum, Albert Kaailnu, Kimer! Ci«i» iteiuicKson and AU-i Tta rnnsh | Kenn?th Balong, WillKu»\ B?tl, CJ«ixtitx»n B<ean\«r ami Ernest D«-■ v*uckelte were _«wAt>i<?d siiver. ptns In thc *oj>luMW>.nv ot;\ss. Jiu»iws who \wn \wtvj Sdg«r BelU J**l HoUu, W&tta*j ivaa\VAloa &ad \Ysi!v*un llAxna, . S?rtior winnors vwrv Tin Ru. Tottmr, A.th*rt Kofcoa. Geotfi* x ! C&ri Tfoo*nc, H«i\ry Ho- ■ &crs wkl Koiruuv i