Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIX, Number 41, 31 January 1945 — News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha School [ARTICLE]

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News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha School


' . ' - By Alv.ii Aojia . William Ste\va >. anjl Aliee Igiado, co-editote ..-chjef of tiie »SB IWS yeai-uoolf, revealed hat "Na'i .A\.v>itni* ineaning' The Conqueror,'' the name of the -iamehumeha school , a-miual, .is j<*tting under way sin<|e more māerials have bcen urrWlng. Twelve >ection huids arc brt?jging In reports fciijvt'rjng j»ehoul 'lii*', aelmin(Btration. athkti< ;j ann all othor tctivities.

Tlie book wiSl , hn|vc a blue S;»anīsh leatheretie cot<-r with the name in silver. ll wls coh«ist of approximatfey luO pigea, 80 of whieh will be wklte fctock papoi >n whīeh rcp;ulu.r sohc»ol a<.tivitica suiā pīct«retf <.vUJ fiiri;nt<?d. Th« tmaining 20 wiil bear ab?trnet designs of apeeie»! ccilor for /separātmg sections. Ki|ner Kan*_tA uiid Marcdla Kaopua are in -jharge of this.

"Na'i Aupuni" will be divided mto seven sectious. They will be the seniors, admsnistration, clubs, preparatory department, classes, athleties, *and schooi work.

. The seniors' seotion of the clas3 of '45 is by Milwardo Cooper and David Fontaine. They wH3 cimmg« »even individual senior pictures on 'eaeh page with notaLion.s, wtitti.'n up by othcr members of their class, of eax:h boy's and girl's acco?nplishiiients at Kameiiameha.

The adn'iirjif3Lrittion aeelion will eonsist of the principals of both girls' and boys' school, Big Six, School iui' Girls' Student eounei', National honor socicty and Quill and Seroll. All of these pictures will be intormal shots with the exception of the QuiU and Seroli and the National Honor society; Walter Miller and Carl Thoene lieaei Ihia ueeUon. . , .

Arranging pictures of clutos in action will be the task for Miriam Crabbe. The glee clubs of eaeh schools will have their pictures together while singing. The same will be done with the Girl reserv«;s and the Hi-Y bcuause of Lhe similarity in purpoac of their clubs. Other clubs are the War Service Corps, Boy Scouts, Kumulipo, Holumua and Hui Oiwi.

Th«r Preparatory department sectiori will be supervised by ki<Mxy Mili», a »Uuienl prep sciiool instru':tor. līis pictures will eonsist mainly of £roups like the girl Seouts, Qirl r Cubs, music clays, Jl'o, pjaysical education, Hawauan olasses. miiseum, garden and assemblies, Carmen Juarez and George Lindsey, hc>ads the section, will arrang«i the class pietures with notes of accomplishmcnts and expcctations of eaoh group. The 'atliletic section, headed by Orusilla Mitchell and Meivin Murakami, will have individual, aetion arid team sliots of athletic groups. Paily activities of both schools, such as pictures of dormitory life, elasses, senior cottage, shops, library. and soci-al functions will be arranged by Albert Kekoa and Thomas See in the school v/ork section, ■ .

SPIKESTERS TUItXOUT By Oh»ey Roy More than 50 boys at the Kamehameha School for Boys are turning out for tr;u'k lliis year as Ooaeh Artiiur Oallon āssomb!es all prospects in a meeting Janaary 15.

Twenty of these 50 are lettermen, all of whom received a medal for l»eing on the Cornell Rolays and Tnterscholastic ehampionship Kamehameha tinder squud, Onlj fivo boya wlio reeeived letters and medals aro lost of graduation and of Uie ruiing. a

The folloNvins" boyy reeeivod letters and will be activc in track this year: Earl Galdeiia, Charles l'uuohau, WUliaiu Ku,ui, Williuiu Huddy. Adolph Bartels, kenneth Auld, Leonard Wong and Arthur a eU>.

Ottier lx>\\s who ivecivcd lcttcis «re Kehn«?th Gouvom, Wnltor I?;\rrctt, Calvm Werner, Tin Hu louiig, \Yulter Miiler, Waldenvar

Laeha. Barry Ontai, Kewton LurU;, l-'icU.ijcr OJncy Roy, nnn!f! Mlvamotn arsd Arthur St. iāwamn.

The l«ttermen not retuming thi» year are:

MUton Beamer, one of the fastest 100 yarU dashman in the territory, who tied the 100 yard reeord by running it* in 10 seconds. kīe- is jiot eligibie because he participated in the AAU meet iast year. Frances Beam.er, cousin of Miiton has not returaed to school HLe was tiie fastcst hurdler Kamehaineha had in two years.. He piaced first in the Cornell. anU intorscholaetic meets for two sea-

WiUiam Gaspar ib ineligibU% and was also a great contend<;r in the 100 <and 220 yard daph. Vollmar Crabbe, distance runner, graduat«d.

Franc«e McMiiitn, a 440-yard-man aiso graduated last year and eparked the team to its ehanapionship by placing first in nearly all of āis raues in the Interscholastie and Corneil Relays.

Assisting the squad this year are Mr, .Thomas G. Mountain, Mr. WiUiaiii Sievers and Henry Vaseoneelioa, who is in the service,

Mr. Mouni-ain will take charge of the distance men, while Mr. Arthur Gallon works on the sprinters. Henry wili help the high jumpers, broad-jumpers and pole vaulters. He was a .great help i to the team by training the boys |in these iieid events to plaee or even eop the event

Mr. Sievers was a eoaeh at one time iii Roosevelt high where he paeeō two boys to the record breaking marks in the mile run and shot put whieh have iiot been b'roken yet. He will handle the boys who are interested īn these events.

NKW BOYS AT KBS By Liowell Deering Pive new students enrolled in the Kamehameha School for Boys £qllowiiig the Christmas vacation.

Swinton Aldrich, son of Mr. and Mrs. Swinton Aldrich of Honolulu, entered the ninth grade as a day student. Swinton transferred from Robert Louis Stevenson school. 1 Son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W. Eberly of Lahaina, Maui, i» Dewey Eberly who is a ninth grader and a boarder. While on Maui, Dewey attended Kamehameha 111 School in Lahaina. Lewis Kahanu, ninth grader formerly of Kalakaua, is also one of the newest additions. Lewis is. the son of Mr. and Mrs. George K-ahanu of Honolulu. He is attending Kamehameha as a day student. Also attending Kamehameha as a day student is James Solomoia who is entering the eighth grade. James is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Solomon of Honolulu, and the last eehool he attended was Robert Louis Stevenson school. Daniel Ezera, who failed to start school in September because of illness, also started after the Christmas vacation. Daniel is an eighth grader and he attended the Preparatcry department last year.

The five new students increase the enrollment of the school for boya to 297." By Xhomtus Wong Kamehameha School for Boys opened its auto shop throughout December to give speciai instructions to seven seniors interested in vocational subjects. Under the , tutelage of Jack Doolittle, instructor, tlie boys per,fQrmed jobs that would be encountered in most industrial shops and were pald regular competitive industrial wagres while working. Eaeh boy ,workeU a total Qf 48 man hours a,nd earucd au avei> age \vage of $112.32. "From the atandpoint o£ experience, these boys achieved more in a spo.ee of two weeks than they could expect to lt\irn in a year of regular classwork," Mr. Doolittle fuuiouuoed. Boys who ujidertook the speeial course were George Lindsey, NewU>n Lurbe, Charles Puuohau, I'aul Brede, Martiuseu, Walter Bnrrett and Albort Kekoa.

MAI POINA |i KE KUAI AMA I BONA KAUA. K Kual i Kela ame mankwa, Mai Yio<>t\altk 1 ke ku&l aua. ,